Robert Caponi

Incidentally, there is a video on YouTube of Toby Radloff giving a tour of his 1979 Sunbird. There is a strangely calming zen to it.

Considering the routine, mechanical nature of the premise, and the fact that the viewer would be unable to sustain any amount of surprise when the seemingly kindly, fatherly man portrayed in every episode is revealed to be… a monster!?! (dunh dunh DUNH), I suspect it might end up playing as pitch-black comedy. Plus,

Am I the only one who can't help but detect a bit of antipathy towards Christianity on the part of the author? Of course, the article was side-splittingly hilarious, as are all the comments, but I can't shake the feeling, between my paroxysms of mirth, that the author might perhaps harbor a less-than-sanguine attitude

Hot girls are usually getting enough validation in real life that they don't feel compelled to join the online circle-jerk mutual appreciation society of internet atheism.

With Walter White's abrupt disappearance at the end of "Granite State", I couldn't have hazarded a guess to his plans in any concrete sense (maybe some Hannibal Lechter-esque trap for the unsuspecting small-town police, which I'm glad didn't happen,) although in the most general terms, I thought watching Gretchen and