
My favorite was Oliver-Sara, though I might be alone in that. They were equals on every level, they completely understood and knew how to handle each other’s damage. They were compatible and supportive, and being together made them both better.

Even before Oliver & Felicity got together, Oliver clicked more with Mackenna, Sara, Helena, and Shado did he did with Laurel. And I really like Katie Cassidy! They just did not work together somehow

Season 4 wasn’t good, but it was watchable (mostly because Neal McDonough seemed to be really enjoying himself).

Season 1 was great, Season 2 was the best, season 3 was bad, season 4 was shit, season 5 was great, season 6 was okay, season 7 was okay. They’ve settled into a groove of being okay. Which considering the low point of the entire Arrowverse was S4/LotM S1 ya thats an okay place to be in going into a final season.

Agreed.  RIP Grantland, you were awesome.

I would add also anything he wrote for Grantland too. 

Everyone should get his new book. And his prior books. Dude is a phenomenal writer, and also a great person.

YES! The episodes of the Rewatchables that they’re on tend to be my favorite. 

Great interview! Also great to see a talented guy like Shea doing well.

Fucking great interview. Anything Shea or Jason Concepcion from the Ringer are on I am always into. Shea is a solid follow on twitter too.

Anyone should go back and read his articles on Grantland on coaching middle school football.  They are great and hilarious!

I remember one particularly hung over day (which are rare for me so it was doubly worse) when I ended up at a Chacho’s. I’d so far avoided eating there somehow, but there I was. I don’t remember what I ate, but I know that I left feeling extremely sleepy and possibly the most full. The hangover had left me, replaced

Remember him writing about Trae tha Truth’s ban on the box. Crazy he’s still banned from the radio after so many years.

Shea Serrano’s the man. He’s such a talented, witty writer, and I love how much he reps South Texas and other writers. Not that this means much coming from me, but I def. recommend his Villains and John Wick podcasts. They’re highly entertaining, and it’s fun to hear someone who genuinely loves pop culture chat about

I’ve had him pegged to play Doom for a while now.

I have no comment on the rest of her work, but man, she was fantastic in True Grit.

Hardy’s a decent choice. I don’t actually care who plays Simon Williams, but I better get Wonder Man and Beast Do Las Vegas in Phase 6.

I am an Elton John superfan and I fucking loved it. I knew the story wasn’t all right. I know that John Lennon was not the inspiration for his name. I know the music came in all out of sequence. But I got it, and knowing Elton was involved made it even more compelling and heartbreaking. I was a little surprised no

Elton deserves the full on “I’m Not There “ treatment.  I would love to have seen what multiple actors could do with his story.