Roberta Sutton

Grok didn’t think about the tweets it saw of people joking about the solar eclipse. It identified patterns on X and spit out human-sounding text summarizing those patterns”.

As someone who knows nothing about corporate governance, the stock market, etc, etc., I hope someone can provide some clarity on this.....

I live in Delaware and do this work. I worked at the state level and now at private firm. Delaware is known worldwide for our laws. the governor and our bosses travelled international getting companies to form or stay here. They didn’t have to bend to many arms. And also the chancery courts act fast. There is not

Whatever, have a nice day. 

Jeesh, thanks. B/c no one ever has mis-read something!?

Never gonna stop LOLing at the guy making polls on the site he bought that can only be voted on by people who pay him money and they’re still not agreeing with him 100%

I mean it’s a $55 billion payout from a company he forcibly took over by buying up all their stock, it’s a pretty bad look

One of the unstated reasons that 90% of new companies incorporate in Delaware is that Delaware corporate law has strong protections for shareholders, as the Court of the Chancery assumes a fiduciary duty to prevent corporations from harming themselves for the benefit of individual executives.

Trust, Greg Abbott is Musk’s #1 concubine in his TX GOP harem. 

The good news is Abbot is already at the right level to kiss the “ring”.

The fact that Musk even considers that whatever the hell he did merits a compensation package 6 times higher than the combined compensation of the top 200 corporate CEO’s in America is a testament to how deranged he is.
Aside from being an egotistical asshole, Musk has no regard for Tesla shareholders, who should not

Isn’t the whole reason companies incorporate there related to taxes and lax biz laws? How bad was Musk’s plan that even they said “Wait, we should probably step in”?

There’s no way that Texas is ever going to approach Delaware for solid, predictable, pro-corporate laws and tax structure. Nor are even his pet lawyers like Spiro going to advise him to move their incorporation to Texas based on a Twitter poll. He’s just throwing a snit fit.

Absolutely agreed, though given their behavior over the last several years, it’s not hard to imagine Texas becoming some kind of Musk-dick-sucking corporate haven.

If you can’t get the corporate ruling you want from freakin’ Delaware, your corporation is the problem.  

As an aside, re Elon’s comments about never incorporate in Delaware.

Awww. pwooor guy...let me cue the sad trombone while I serenade you with the world’s smallest violin....

The timing of this claim by Musk, a habitual liar, is suspicious - recent reports have revealed that Neurolink was unlawfully transporting hazardous waste that was harmful to anyone exposed to it.

Did the feds approve this test?
