
Thank you! This is not the story of a brave guy who was censored. it’s the story of a low level grunt trying to make decisions above his pay grade and getting pissy when he was told to get back in his lane.

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

“I wanted to make a statement,” localization specialist Tom Lipschultz wrote in an e-mail. “I don’t think it’s right to make any change, no matter how minor, for the purpose of ‘sanitizing’ a game.”

Is this a game review or a diary entry? What is this? Is this supposed to be informative or helpful for your readers?

I’m confused... didn’t the jury find they did not misuse trade secrets? How is Zenimax so bold as to claim Oculus and Facebook are using their code and that the jury found it had infringed this use of code on Zenimax’s copyrights when it appears the jury said quite the opposite?

And what does Zuckerberg’s sassy testimony have to do with the case itself?

This is why these sorts of lawsuits are always filed in Texas... because jurors there are backwards, ignorant technophobes that always award the plaintiff.

Right but this isn’t a settlement and the claims survived summary judgment. So to characterize the allegations on which Oculus was found not liable as “hyperbolic” is not a fair characterization.

Facebook didn’t spend exorbitant amounts of money because they thought the rift would sell well. They believe that VR is an emerging platform and wanted a firm foothold in the market. How many headsets they’re selling isn’t as critical as whether or not the switch ends up selling well.

YOU mean pixel art in an isometric Pwrspective? Is HLD the only game allowed to use that VERY broad aesthetic?

That trailer really moved me. The music and atmosphere were 100% on point. I will definitely buy when it hits PS4. I might even kickstart it. Going over to the page right now to see the donation tiers!

It has its niche, which it seems this game belongs to. I see no problem with permadeath, though if the developers wish to reach a broader audience then they should add it as an option and not as a core component.

you can actually unlock peach after you play the whole game—i really, really have no skin in this but i feel like for such a simple premise being able to just choose mario or peach at the start, rather than unlocking her, is a fine solution. idk how suellentrop feels but that works for me.

So, this just occurred to me while reading your article. Do you think it would help, if the game could be played either way? Is it enough to simply reverse the trope?

In my dreams, I put Theme Hospital and Prison Architect in the same folder and press “merge.”

And I suppose that is something you would know all about, right? Let’s face it, not one of us on here has a real first-hand clue about anything like that.

What a scumbag you are.

They suffered some of the greatest casualties during the war, it was really strange not to include them from the get go.

It is absolutely ridiculous that a WW1 game launched without France, Russia, or even Canada.

Damn good question.
I remember watching “The Watchmen” in theaters. An older couple sat in front of us.
Everything was fine until they saw a boob, then they couldn’t get out of the theater fast enough.