
I think this is as close to I’m going to get for an appropriate post to use this picture, so I’m going to dammit! I’ve waited too long for this moment!

I’m probably going to get shit for this opinion, but some people who are trying to do Let’s Plays as a career come off as super entitled. Especially the “sucks having someone make money revenue off my video” type comments. Without the game in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to make that video. I don’t think the

Drop a support station with the ammo mod. Also, plenty of checkpoints and chokepoints have ammo supply chests right behind or nearby.

So basically, “Play the game to level up.”

Beauty is truly in the eye of the behold .... because it still looks like Minecraft to me nothing “gorgeous” about it....

Cause it looks worse than the actual CGI in any Blizzard Cinematic.

Am I the only person who never had any real issues with Origin?

Please clap.

True, but a very different statement from “stunning”

>Considering what they have to work with at this point.

What does this even mean?

But look at a game like Team Fortress 2. Not every game is doing realistic style, look at Overwatch. Both TF2 and Overwatch aren’t realistic at all, they’re super cartoony, but they both look 20000% better than WoW.

WoW’s art style is just ancient. They’ve tried to patch it here and there, but they can’t just start

Agreed 100%, this isn’t stunning at all. WoD was at least somewhat impressive at first, but nothing here is new or impressive at all.

It is clearly pushing the limits of what can be done with the game’s engine. It still looks like old butt.

I don’t see stunning, I see dated graphics with purple and green. The Witcher was stunning, WoW hasn’t been in ages.

World of Warcraft’s art crew sure do like them some purple filters. I swear “Warcraft Purple” should be a new Crayola color since it’s in practically every area of the game.