Roberta Loblaw

A hung jury is not an acquittal.  FFS.

Have you actually even watched the movie?

No.  I’m viewing it through the lens I developed as a prosecutor.  How long have you been practicing constitutional law?

Exactly.  And it can’t be permanently waived.  He can re-assert that right if the state is delaying in the future.

That goes against our constitution entirely.  I don’t think you understand the right to a speedy trial or its purpose at all.

It would be insane and ineffective assistance to go to trial as scheduled.

This is the most bananas false crap I’ve read on Jezebel in awhile.  The public has zero right to a speedy trial.

Please stop writing about legal issues of which you have no knowledge.  The right to a speedy trial can be re-asserted at any time.  The problem is if you DEMAND, then you can be required to go to trial within 120 days without all of the discovery and investigation that your attorneys require in defending you.  This

You’ve found ways to defend Kylie!?  Just kidding (kinda), but you are exactly right.  I’m extremely pro-choice but even I don’t know what I would do if faced with said choice at this stage of my life.  Nobody is out there yelling about wanting ALL THE ABORTIONS.  It’s about support for the choice, whichever that


I stopped reading before I got to that part... that’s just gross.

While he might not pay the whole thing, he’ll definitely have to pay a penny.  Judgments owed based on intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.  So if he does get a job, his wages will be garnished, if he opens a bank account, those funds will be turned over to D.L., if he ever is owed a tax refund, that

The problem is they DO consider this site serious journalism.  If this type of writing were limited to Dirt Bag, I’d probably agree with you. Unfortunately, the bloggers here do zero fact-checking, zero research into the topics they write about, and frequently base entire “articles” solely on their own opinions. The

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say she had nothing to do with this.  She got a script, was given a role, and performed it well.  Why assume otherwise without a shred of evidence?  What exactly did you learn as a student of journalism?

Yes, this is also important and I definitely oversimplified in my response.  Thanks for the reality check.

Oh look another Jezebel bad take. Ya know what Maui needs right now?? MONEY. You know what brings money?? TOURISM. As long as she is respectful of the island and its people, leave her alone.

*Also just read that she arrived before the fires so... good research Jez.

Okay playing Devil’s Advocate here... it really is not outside of the realm of possibility that Planned Parenthood treats trafficking victims (yes, even in Montana) and does not report. That said, they could potentially cause more harm than good by reporting said treatment to authorities. The part about PP falsifying

This is a really bad take but par for the course I guess.

His words are horrible and hurtful. What frustrates me is that he is relying on misinformation first and then complaining about a scenario that does not exist. No one is giving bottom surgery to children! It’s ok for people to have questions about things that they do not understand. Unfortunately society has regressed

The grays are WILD get me out of here!