

Last time I checked humans still do pilot drones? Are we just saying these operators are not pilots? Either way its still controlled by a human.

I'm curious about this sentence... "There were casualties among the 230 passengers on board" as it does not appear like a bad crash landing? Everything else I have read says "no casualties"? Who is your source? How many of the 230 passengers on board were casualties? Lazy reporting or inaccurate facts? Inquiring

I wrote "Duh we all know those Jews own all the media, of course this is bashing Christianity!!!!! It's Jewish propaganda...LMAO" and this comment was removed? You know what Borat say... "throw the Jew down the well... So my Country can be free" now I know what he was talking about.

Duh we all know those Jews own all the media, of course this is bashing Christianity!!!!! It's Jewish propaganda...LMAO

um for $160??? WTF???? why wouldn't I just use the controls that are on my Dre Beats, and use the speech recognition software built into the iPhone? Just saved you lots of dough! No need to thank me...

and here all this time I was sure it was the OS that made a Mac a Mac... Who cares they all look similar but Mac's "just work".

out here in NEPA ready to destroy as well! LOL yeah though I'm in Northern PA and its HOT as HELL

HA-HA <— Nelson voice!

@FamilyCarGuy: read the complaint, she said she opted out for "health" reasons! Don't assume you know these things just because she is hot and shows some skin!

@doyledagain: see this would explain why us Directv owners who also pay for HBO will be left out in the dark. Does that make sense I subscribe to HBO pay the same amount but because I live in the country and can't get cable I suffer? SCREW YOU TIME WARNER!!!!

I call BS just downloaded the app and all the issues are $3.99 except the original Free preview edition? The article states that this months wired is free, alas it is not... LIARS!

smooth move ex-lax

what the hell is a Halloweener? Did this guy hollow out his weener? I never understood this... I thought it was caled a trick or treater not a holloweener. By the way my MacBook Pro has all sorts of red lines under halloweener. Which proves my point.

@yongwlee: if you look at Apples website, it states that the MBA can use another computers CD/DVD drive as well. PC as well as Mac, pretty nice alternative to Apples SuperDrive which you could also purchase and use to install a new OS.

I like it so far... not to many options though.

This is why I own Mac's! LOL

after #3 above the title of the video says iMovie stabilization, I thought that the iMovie app did stabilization so I went ahead and bought it... guess what it doesn't do video stabilization, total misleading video now I'm out 5 bucks... Side note and minor benefit is that it will convert to 720p for sending right

ordered mine from AT&T and they also have the date listed as june 23rd... Here is the thing though... when I ordered the Apple case for my iPad it was showing an early delivery date as well, but I did not get the thing until the date Apple had listed originally even though fedex showed it was to arrive a day earlier,

reminds me of fluid tunes for iTunes...