With the way time works on the show, who is to say that the dead army didn’t march to Hardholme get some chains from the harbor march back and drag up the dragon?
With the way time works on the show, who is to say that the dead army didn’t march to Hardholme get some chains from the harbor march back and drag up the dragon?
I think the consensus is that he got them from Hardhome Depot
All of the obsessed questions about chains is absurd to me.
I’m willing to accept that a giant army of the dead has tools. I don’t need to see every single tool get an origin story. People obsessing over the chains have become to pedantic for their own good.
If that’s their worst album then they’ve been an amazing band.
20 years? Me still think of them as new-ish band. Me getting old!
First we get movies focusing on Spider-man villains, then we get movies focusing on Batman villains, and now we get them focusing on Queens of the Stone Age villains. What’s next, a movie about villains of people we vaguely knew in high school?
I dunno why Era Vulgaris gets put down, I find it to be a solid rocker front to back. And IMHO, has my fave art work from all their releases.
Kinja switched my car insurance to GEICO without even asking.
I think that’s an even bigger crime than the new comment system, articles being several times harder to find is pretty obviously terrible, and is not subject to any opinion.
Trailer guy 2: It’s called marketing.
“Is Waluigi antifa?”
Next up, the CATO Institue will publish a thinkpiece titled “Is Wario a Libertarian?”
Hey! Listen! There is a way to not be shitty!
“Taxes are like some elf breaking into your house, busting all your pottery, and stealing all your rupees.”
Do you think we can get separate Trump and GoT sections and keep the remaining 15% of content in an unorganized, but far less cluttered infinite scroll?
So...is there a way to see which TV posts are reviews, which are news, and which are longform pieces?
<I>he was weirder than anything else on Saturday mornings by a country mile</I>