Robert Cowie

@Chaim Chaikin: Feeling the atmosphere is one thing. Using those horns to distract the players is entirely another. I'm sure the city is buzzing like never before, but I'm not the only one who feels the way I do about the horns in the stadium during play.

This is one of the greatest app ever! Running it on my WinMo device atm and it's just about the only thing keeping me from spending $600 on a new phone before my 3yr contract is up (Canada). Well worth whatever they're charging for it.

@KirbyMorph: Where do you live that houses only cost $100,000??? I wanna move there RIGHT NOW. *cry*

@Givafuk: LOL I thought I was having some sort of flashback there, and it was TRUE! ;D

@Chaim Chaikin: The only problem I have with that statement is the fact that every single horn in that stadium is plastic and says "Made In China" on the side somewhere. General consensus here in Western Canada is they're ruining the tournament.

+1 for the AKG 240M headphones! I have a few of the same ones and they rock for long listening sessions and studio work.

Huge thumbs-down here. Annoying ads, attempted pop-up galore, and in the end not enough content to make it worthwhile. Just grab Hotspot Shield and be happy.

I'll be buying Forza 4 before GT5 ever comes out, and I'll still be lmfao about that fact. I own both consoles, and the Wii btw, so not a fanboi of any of them.

@RockyRan: Wow re the USB PC controller compatibility...I just got a PS3 to add to my collection of consoles, and I just learned something new (and VERY cool). I'm definitely going to try using my Gravis USB controller on the PS3 tonight that has been in the 'box-o-pc-junk-that-must-not-be-named' for years. Thanks! :)

@Pewny: Same here. It's literally the most fun I've ever had getting my ass handed to me time after time in a video game.

@Syndicate: Sweet! Buying some now. Cheers!

@jupiterthunder: Most of Hauppauge's hardware can bypass Macrovision.

$149?!?!? That's a happy-ending massage where I come thanks.

No offense, but the article seems slightly biased by looking at the margin of votes for 'Other'.


This guy must be a cop by the gun-belt on the desk. Either that or he's a Wii nutbag with a fetish for zombie-blood...which is more likely in my mind right now for some reason. ;)

Ok, since when have I had over 45,000 unsorted family photos?!?!? Akk! VisiPics is running like a beast right now and seems to be working VERY well. Thanks for this article. :)

@West Latta: Damn, you beat me to posting this article. This argument makes me laugh every time. Cheers!