Because of this the Raptors will be a worse team next year, which will lead to yet another move (mistake) in pandering to the base. In a few years they will be garbage and the people defending this firing today will be nowhere to be found.
Because of this the Raptors will be a worse team next year, which will lead to yet another move (mistake) in pandering to the base. In a few years they will be garbage and the people defending this firing today will be nowhere to be found.
You misunderstood
They are both dangerous for everyone. I appreciate the articulation of the impulses in both the article and the comments but the exuberant expression does not make up for the inaccuracies. There are real, not imagined, differences between male and female incels. Men who identify as such tend to be describing a literal…
I have a novel idea. Let’s figure out the future instead of hanging on to the colonial past.
Jeep Cherokee should be #1 on this list if stealth, speed and practicality are tops there is a no vehicle made today that does those three better. Period.
Not a real offer. Intended to make Uber mad and stupid.
The issue is the vehicle. If you have to bring an expensive piece of capital in order to perform the work you should be compensated. I don’t know why this is so complicated.
Yes, you’re missing something but I suspect you don’t actually care to know what it is you’ve misunderstood.
In Atlanta the actual cost is charged when you book the ride. It’s telling that these articles make no mention of the things we are talking about in the comments. It’s as if those tasked with reporting know nothing about how this stuff works.
Google Ron Artest brawl.
15K? You make a great point about the tires but everyone stopped reading at 15K, a ridiculous number.
The disrupters are assholes theme is so played out.
Kyrie is the guy who didn’t want dark skinned women at his yacht parties.
So you can understand how wrong your outlook on this is. Imagine members of Hamas explaining how members of the American press are dually responsible for the angst around terrorism because they won’t stop writing about it. How many nanoseconds would it take for us to dismiss that idea?
The issue here is that a segment doesn’t want to use public transportation with people of certain lower classes. Then these folks form an echo chamber and rationalize their behavior with each other.
Idyllic notions of capitalism are why you wonder what the investors were thinking.
3X the Uber cost does not take into account that a sustainable rate charge means a sustainable payout to drivers meaning the elimination of much of their overhead.
I’ll explain further. Uber doesn’t allow tipping. Tipping also is pass through. Uber doesn’t want any cost involved that might deter the cheapest penny pinching person from requesting a driver. That affects them. Even of they don’t have to pay any more per ride. It’s part of their core philosophy.