If he had two hands he would have been playing for Alabama or something.
If he had two hands he would have been playing for Alabama or something.
Almost certainly.
And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...
Serious question, if he had two hands would he be a no doubt first rounder?
when you’re stuck in stop and go traffic every day for an hour (ie. most people) - the “perceived” handling differences are moot. Really all you want is a comfortable interior, some extra hp for passing power, a good infotainment system and good sound deadening. I continue to roll my eyes at some of the “handling”…
I’m straight up stealing this from a reddit thread from yesterday...
Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.
Nice that is not bad I could sit on the porch in the summer and drink a beer while watching cars do 0 to 60 runs.
double untendre?
I am the king of the unintended double entendre.
This is a very good comment that gets even better when you inadvertently read it the wrong way.
To be fair, he is probably exhausted from having more sex than any of the 113 men who finished in front of him.
This is your once every four year reminder that cross country skiers are athletic freaks to the point where the greased up shirtless guy is probably referred to in their circle as “out of shape.”
I had to fix my brother-in-laws engine that seemed to race whenever he hit the brakes. It happened to him for about a week, and he said he nearly rearended someone on the way to my shop.
Yeah, I thought that whole bit was just a setup to show that the “Falcon” doors could work in tight spaces. But then they didn’t do that. It was odd.
Looked like Schenn won to me. Lotta jabs landed up front, then escaped the restrictive grasp by losing the shirt and landing a monster right to end it.
Embarrassing story time. When I first moved to Los Angeles, the game show industry was still pretty robust, and a lot of struggling creatives helped make ends meet by auditioning. I went and auditioned for Hollywood Squares during the Tom Bergeron years. Thirty of us took a test - it was super easy, like thirty…
That chick had never played tic-tac-toe in her life? Or she must have eaten a few Tide Pods before playing.