
You’re right. After all, he only harassed a black guy.

It’s obvious that neither of the Dem “leaders” understands basic national income accounting. Pay-go is fiscal irresponsibility. Deficit spending produces net financial assets in the non-government sector which are the only new dollars available to grow the economy. The seven instances when this nation had a

Folks here need to enter the post-gold standard world of fiat currency operations. e Nixon ended our participation in the international gold standard the U. S. Treasury never borrows. It exchanges interest-earning securities for non-interest earning dollars just like you do when you buy a CD.

Federal taxes pay for absolutely nothing post gold standard.

In our 3 sector economy, a balanced budget would starve the private sector of net financial assets, lead to stagnation, and eventually a recession. Please review econ 101, sectoral financial balances; an accounting identity which is always true.

Since abandoning the gold standard (1971) Monetarily Sovereign nations with flexible exchange rates like the U.S. no longer use revenue of any kind to fund expenditures.

Inflation is caused by commodity and/or foreign exchange shortages no by printing money.

In a monetarily sovereign nation, there is no national debt.