
Writing for a Gawker property and arguing that your job is not a desperate, increasingly difficult struggle to generate page views is like working for a porn store mopping up cum and claiming you work in customer service.

This is how I read her letter:

Basically this.

THANK YOU! All these “die-hards” coming out of the woodwork and trying to call other people “fan boys” as an insult because they didn’t like the movie. One of the main arguments I have seen is “omg it’s so refreshing to see the force be used by people of non-royal (first of all wtf royal??) Skywalker blood line. I saw a locked room that will slowly fill with Zyklon-B.

Yeah, that’s not going to fly.

The last time Oberlin went box-to-box we got 6 seasons of Girls. Careful what you wish for.

Annnnd Katie Rife again. Did they hire you direct from Gawker? Is that why you cradle the Gawker-balls so hard? Because you absolutely insinuate that a fucking Gawker Blind Item is anything to be taken with merit. Which is wildly irresponsible and just shy of fucking retarded (and being autistic, i reserve the right

Going any further inland than the poolside bar at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs seems like a tremendous waste of blood and treasure.

Glad this got picked up here. Spanos used to be able to hide his incompetence when nobody cared what happened in San Diego. I hope they are humiliated in LA.

The offending clause is not in the passive voice.

My understanding was that the learning curve for the actual shooting and basic mechanics was relatively low, but the learning curve for all the meta shit that goes into surviving long enough to win is steep.

Estimated ship date is December 18, 2017.

Estimated ship date is December 18, 2017.

Shady as fuck considering on the main product page and none of the order pages does it say its shipping by DEC 25th. You have to click through a link to find this out.

Shady as fuck considering on the main product page and none of the order pages does it say its shipping by DEC 25th.

Quintana, the Sox’s ace, is 0-3 with a 6.75 ERA on the year.

He just really wants to get those sweet, sweet billionaire car doors that open like this:

Sounds like somebody has a case of the Hyundais.

Yeah, the entire field of quality assurance was designed to ensure standards are met regardless of which country or how competent or motivated your work force happens to be. India builds their own space rockets and satellites. They can figure out a Harley. If the product is shit, the process to build it and qualify it