I’m new to kinja but did we just side step the fact that this comment was left by the actual Spider-Man?
Oh look out, someone found spell check.. Clearly you’re opinion is so much more correct now! Excuse me while I go sit in the dark and bemoan my defeat.
2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!
I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:
The fuck is wrong with you? Go give some fat dude with a beard a blowjob in a microbrewery while the adults have a beer that doesn’t require us to own a fixie.
If I roll a female, that wants to romance a male, or a female, why limit which characters I can do that with anyway?
It has the option of having a gay romance, more than one. That’s representation. What, you want the game to perfectly divide up the amounts of partners available for every character type? If the answer is yes, fuck your entitled ass (and not in a way you will enjoy)
Good to know there’s one guy out there who took THAT away from the article. It’s ok to be happy for someone and just leave it alone.
Agreed. Sure, it wasn’t a great speech. However, the speech is as similar to Bane’s speech as the Ford F150 is to the Dodge Ram. They’re generically the same thing, but completely different.
So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?
All cops are evil. All whites are racist. All republicans are nazi’s. All men are misogynistic.
Already recycling ancient articles? You’ve got a few days left before Christmas. :P
I would have been tempted to open the rear hatch and roll her into the catering truck.
sigh... no.
Yes its called professional courtesy. An officer isn’t expected to issue a speeding ticket to his mother, his wife, his best friend, his fellow officers. Its completely normal. A perk of putting his life on the line day in day out to protect others.
He’s the police chief, if you think a fellow officer is going to give a ticket for speeding to his chief, his best friend, wife or mother ; you’re delusional.
I smell a millennial!