Robert D

Despite how ponderous this film was, I still found it enjoyable. And there were a few scenes that caused me to burst out laughing.

My thought was the opposite — I might start feeling sick every time I see a cheeseburger. And cheeseburgers are delicious!

I know we all saw the ending coming with Jay getting called up on the stage as Vladimir, but Ed O'Neill really sold the reaction. I LOLd!

I can attest that this description of Ollie's is 100% accurate.

This show has really surprised me. I caught the premiere on a whim, not expecting much, but it has turned into one of the shows I most look forward to every week. I particularly enjoyed seeing a lot of pieces fall into place in this episode, along with creepy Casey standing behind Angela in the dream sequence, and the

It really is tasty despite how horrifying it looks.

Beautifully filmed with lovely set and sound design, but all I could think at the end was "Lord, that was dull."


One minor quibble I have with this write up is saying that Dorothy was Sophia's least favorite child. In the episode mentioned where Gloria asks Sophia to come live with her, there is a later conversation between Dorothy and Gloria in which Gloria says that Dorothy is Sophia's favorite because she is the one Sophia

Yup, Empty Nest had a hurricane storyline going on that night too since it was also set in Miami and involved neighbors of the Golden Girls.

I was furiously scrolling through the comments to see if this had already been mentioned. Drat!

I absolutely agree. I felt like I was watching A Very Important Horror Movie the entire time.

I know Inferno is often regarded as an embarrassing mess, but I really do think it is as good as the first two. Of all of the entries in the series, it's the one I rewatch the most often.

I was 14 when the Breakfast Club came out, but if I had to choose between it and Clueless, I would take the light and frothy but perfectly baked cupcake that is Clueless any day over the earlier film. The Breakfast Club is too heavy-handed for my taste.

I agree. While I like "Love to Love You, Baby," I was really surprised it received such raves when "I Feel Love" wasn't even mentioned. That song is sublime.

You used to be able to watch Netflix movies with your friends on the Xbox 360, but that feature, which I used all the time, was inexplicably removed. You can still join a party with friends and do the old press-play-at-the-same-time thing, though.