
Ed Shireen??

How do you not go Swench??

"How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?"

Yeah…from what I read in Winter's interview on Hitfix is that the series was inspired by the idea of history's losers. The concept of a character who had power, and then lost it, and was forgotten in less than a century. Nucky wasn't a nobody, until Lucky and Meyer made him one. He could have been Joe Kennedy, but he

They are already dead (which is why she has to pick her kid up). The interregator has been trapped there for a long time and is going to chose one of them to replace him.

It could be 5, but by episode 4 or 5 of Game of Thrones, I kept confusing Robb, Jon, and Theon. HBO had to put that guide out to help the average viewer sort out who was who. I had the same problem with the first few episodes of Band of Brothers. I would argue those are two of the best works of TV ever.

Yeah, that scene was awful to watch…and I love the bloody stuff on Game of Thrones and Spartacus. I think this "column" would be better off with either a new reviewer or a team to go back and forth discussion style (is it the Mad Men review that does that?).

No, but when Marge (?) was telling Laurie that Gladys started to break down in public, I thought it might be an inside job. Add the flashback to something that Laurie wasn't supposed to actually have witnessed, I also thought it might be an inside job. I imagine the GR as a cult that would be hugely impacted if its

I hate to critique someone at their job, but I guess this is the place to get meta. I generally love the AV Club reviews (I went back to see all the GoT reviews well after I had seen the episodes).