
One thing you didn’t mention: disable all malware/virus protection before trying to do a refresh. Sometimes anti-malware interprets the refresh command as malware trying to bork your system. If you are going to do a refresh, you’ll need to reinstall any 3rd party anti-malware software anyhow, so uninstalling it and

Yup. The whole area is a drunkard shit show.

White folks have been getting bolder with those 2 words the last few years thinking “well these aren’t as bad as the n-word, but gets the same message across that I’m a racist piece of shit!”

You’re on private property, you don’t have permission to videotape us.

Yeah, these seem like two people are better off apart, if only for the sake of the kid. 

I’m a go ahead and throw this spicy take out there:  It’s not about the anthem and everybody knows it.

Well being dyke I have a great fondness and indeed love for cunts; but this that woman is the walking epitome of a thundering cunt which is a creature of a very different stripe.

And yes I do feel sorry for Barron. He truly does seem very sweet. But Ivanka...well, I’ve been saying for months that some day probably not

His supporters wouldn’t blink - they’d manage to attack her.

He’s a snake, she’s a snake. Snakes are quite capable of disliking each other. No winners here.

“Thundercunt” is such a great insult.

Nope, not having the wifi issue, thank god. Finally solved it after wading through tens of duplicate forum threads, though.

I feel like the should scrap the whole cast

Christ, you’re an ass. Jaywalking gets you killed. Selling cigarettes gets you killed. Being law-abiding and successful gets you lynched by popo. Come on fellow Wypipo, is there anything we haven’t killed black people for?

This is better get cross-posted everywhere.

There were also a few Falcons injuries where they had to stop the clock and I know this will sound bad but I was thinking at the time, “you might be hurt, but you have to get up and get off the field and not allow the refs to call an injury time out. That clock has to keep running.”

As a Falcons fan, this will now bug me to my grave. Julio’s catch should have gone down as an incredible, game-sealing grab. We run it 3 times from there, kick the field goal, and all get to laugh about how close the Pats got

I was surprised that the upload feature was missing from the article. That’s the major selling point that keeps me on Google Music rather than Spotify.

Been in since the beginning, so only paying $7.99/month for this. Love it. Also the ability to upload (I think it’s now) 50k tracks is awesome. I have tons of local/unknown bands that aren’t typically found on streaming services and being able to have them as well is great.

You’re kidding right? Did you know that pretty much all sugar here is beet sugar? Did you also know that pretty much all beets are GMO beets? I am pro GMO but only if it is modified for good qualities. GMO beets are genetically modified to be glyphosate resistant. Yeah, that’s roundup...the stuff Monsanto made