
@wakers01: Why can't we? I really couldn't care less if we offend CAIR. Until the Irish rise up again and start misbehaving, it's sheer stupidity to waste resources looking at non-Arabic people.

@snownpaint1: No, I'm saying that the government needs to step back out of this and let the airlines decide how to handle security for themselves. Knives aren't the issue. Never were. Box cutters only worked because people were told time and time again that if someone tries to take over a plane, just sit back & let

@cyclops2500: He DID teach Chuck Norris how to fight, after all....

@Moonshadow Kati: It's funny, how people used to carry guns on planes, and we only started having problems with hijackers AFTER we banned them. So no, your point is completely lost on me.

@FauxReal: Welcome to business as usual!

@FriarNurgle: Aye laddie! More porn than ye can shake a stick at!

@mbolzicco: You forgot to add that Unicorns were real and that Elvis was captured by aliens to be Bigfoot's wife. (This in response to your fairy tale about global warming, which even NASA has backpedaled on because of all of the flawed data they were busted pushing out to the masses)

@Chernobyl: Really! I'm only this big in the trousers! You wouldn't believe how much grief that causes my wife!

@Freezen: While I agree with clowns (If I sleep, Clown will eat me!), I disagree that banning knives actually removes knives from the situation. And there are plenty of alternatives to knives that CAN be carried on a plane that can easily damage others. Bans are just silly feel-good attempts at making the population

@Moonshadow Kati: I'll argue that because again, it's not the device, it's the person holding the device. It's a silly ban that serves little purpose, save to assuage the sheeple's fears.

@Synthfilker: Seems my target is anal-retentive. I didn't read your post before responding, and I'm running with a head cold, so feel free to go filk yourself.

@snownpaint1: And when you get to your destination?

@Moonshadow Kati: Of course it's a silly ban. I carried 3 knives back from Switzerland as gifts(Pre 9/11), placed in my backpack. I didn't get the urge to suddenly go on a knifing spree. Knives aren't anything other than tools. Heck, I'd let CHL carriers carry, with the request for them to have glazer slugs loaded in

How about we just end the silly knife ban on airplanes? It's a waste of time. Esp. since they wised up and armed pilots with pistols. Sure, you have to keep the 21ft rule in mind, but seeing as how terrorists still have to get through the cabin door, that should be moot.

A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. (Paraphrase of Freud. []

@LTA: Dang! Switching out body AND lenses! That's pricey!

@Wittyname: The good news is, the D90 has dropped a bit in price due to the D7000. Of course, I could give you a nice price on a gently enjoyed D80 so that I could move up... :D