My wife to me: Don't spend more than $20, ok?
My wife to me: Don't spend more than $20, ok?
"You also misspelled "shitty" "
Pinko Commies, duh!
Can you say "trade up"?
@khetti: Yes, but they put their ingredients where they can be seen.
@I Call LOGIC FAIL!: At one point, Chipotle was owned by McDonalds. :)
@grimjack28: It's tougher than it seems though... I don't think I'd try to paint a big white star & blue & red and throw it at the Red Skull, but it's probably going to put up with most normal usage.
@MacAttack: The battery on my wife's $200 netbook lasts her about 6 hours of constant use. Oh, and I can upgrade my wife's RAM if needed. Can you? And for a puny proc, that little sucker runs Ubuntu pretty darn well! It's a LOT zippier than I expected. I was configuring it for her, and one of my co-workers was…
@gimcrackpictures: Many run better. They just don't get the hipster appeal. Fortunately, none of the others run Itunes... Oh, and many of the others sound a WHOLE lot better.
@robotkiller: Not really. Doctors are notoriously ignorant about computers in general. It makes almost as much sense that you'd be into a mac as an actor or a photo journalist.
@ITSmeTPAIN: Yeah, but you're from generation Whine. It all makes sense. Just sayin! :)
@Dancing Milkcarton: I'm not a chick. Function is more important than form to me. Weight is relatively negligible, and the OS isn't impressive to me at all. (It's OK, but it isn't the 2nd coming of Jesus or anything)
@vinod1978: The Operating system is mediocre. Any other answers?
@Unchill English Bro now has Hipster Glasses: Suuuure they are... (ROLLS EYES)
@The5thElephant: Trackpad: Hack! Ptui! Otherwise, yes, it's a gerat Mac.
@grimjack28: It's brushed aluminum, and feels pretty sturdy.
@SplotchEleven: Believe it or not, I have with Sprint. Scary, no?
@Andrea Glidden: May I suggest their Ipad webcomic? It makes me titter every time I read it... It's my go-to Oatmeal.
@Manly McBeeferton: Freak!