
it is WONDERFUL. I run a ASOIAF rpg and I use the World of Ice and Fire book more than the sourcebook for hooks and world-building.

Lyanna Mormont for the Iron Throne.

If IRL there was a civil war going on and the wedding is being attended by two sides, one of which just seriously pissed off the other side, I’d say there would be the possibility of some danger. IRL there have been some pretty crazy betrayals, assassinations, political alliances, etc. People do some crazy shit in

Hold the Door! Hold the Door! Hold the Door! All this time that’s what it meant. Anyone else cry? :(

Agreed, but mainly when it involves Tyrion for me, though I have to say I was a bit let down on that in this episode.

Yeah...I’m kind of confused there. I can see Umbers being pissed off at Jon Snow for aligning with the wildlings since they’re considered a menace to his turf, so why take it out on Rickon? Okay..he’s half related to Jon...but there was supposed to be alliance with the Starks, so wouldn’t the fact that Rickon once

I totally (albeit respectfully) disagree. That conversation made the show for me last night. It was a good reminder that the High Sparrow is in many ways right in his convictions, although we’re also guided by the show to be sympathetic to his targets.

I was just saying something like that to a coworker this morning. Maybe the Umber dude is very pointedly avoiding swearing any oaths or bending any knees because he does not actually want to be an oathbreaker. He was all swagger and c-words..but made no promises.

I have a strong feeling that they are going to intentionally take the shows endgame in a different direction from the books. So it could vary by a LOT.

I don’t disagree! As others said, I think Dorne probably goes in a different direction that may or may not ultimately affect the end, possibly with FAegon. But I enjoy Dorne in the books because it expands the world, and because Doran is a clever character who’s clearly trying to play a long game, vs. everyone else

He introduced Oberyn in book three not to mention Myrcella was sent off to Dorne in the second book. It didn’t come out of nowhere. It felt natural they’d start to follow Dorne after Oberyn was killed.

I agree that AFFC had more new characters than were perhaps needed, but I don’t think it’s your place to say what is and is not “tacked on” — as you don’t know where this story is headed.