Robb Nunya

I saw this piece of garbage while stuck in a waiting room one day. Luckily I had headphones for my tablet and only SAW it. When I left, I mentioned to my wife that it made me decide that Disney needs to lose their copyright. It looked SO bad.

The worst part was when the whole gang decided they needed to line-dance

So now Remington has a vacuum/haircut kit?

So now Remington has a vacuum/haircut kit?

Flavor isn’t the only component to tastiness. Texture is a thing as well, and pressure cookers turn out some things that are pretty awesome from that standpoint. Like the carnitas I mentioned earlier. It comes out moist and super tender every single time. When you roast it, there’s always a chance that you’ll dry it

6 liters would be 3 big Coke Bottles.

It’s really easy to figure out. The included instructions will get you through safe handling, and there are a ton of recipes on the web.

English is a funny language. Sometimes we call things something that doesn’t really mean what it sounds like. A pot roast is a perfect example.

“The pot roast that most people associate with today started out being called Yankee pot roast. That dish, made on the East Coast of the United States, evolved from the

You can make really good beans in a pressure cooker as well. Forget soaking overnight and all that jibber jabber. Just pressure cook them for a few hours. I add a ham bone to the mix for my pintos, but I’m sure you’ll skip this part. :)

I think I love you.

I make a mean carnitas con puerco in about 1/4 of the time with a pressure cooker. The meat is literally falling apart when I’m done, and the spices and onion/garlic I’ve cooked along with the meat has infused the whole to make a flavorful tender dish.

I usually store mine with my Mutfruit.

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Roddy Approves of this comment.

The concept isn’t bad. The implementation and cost to the taxpayer were awful.

After I heard Penn Jillette recount his story of the time his Leaf ran out of juice, I’m completely out. It sounded like the biggest pain in the ass ever.

....and a ton of sensors linked up to give people smooth motion so they don’t toss their cookies every time they hit a corner.

Just keep in mind that 1 little man on the knife means that this is their lower-tier offering. You want 2 men on the knife for their better blades.

Just keep in mind that 1 little man on the knife means that this is their lower-tier offering. You want 2 men on the

Glocks are pretty damn good about being safe, actually.

I’m with you. When I was pistol shopping, I held one, and just say “Meh.”

I then made the decision between the H&K and Sig by shooting both. H&K won for me.

Ugh... he must be the pilot everyone else hates

Yeah, I was thinking a nice bunch of Y-Wings would have been a nice addition for bombing runs...

But this is the Resistance, not the Rebellion. Maybe they’re a little more cash-strapped, and only had the opportunity to get X Wings...

That might be an R6