Robb Nunya

Wait until you get into the workforce... All those moms and dads bringing in whatever plague their ankle-biters picked up in daycare...

From my .... ahh.... extensive anime watching, it’s common for sick people to wear masks. I really wish that people here in the US would do that if they feel the need to go out in public. I have one co-worker who refuses to stay home when he’s sick, and has 3 little germ factories... errr kids that keep him

But what’s a hot day in Celsius? I mean, it’s pretty easy to say, “Damn! It’s 100 degrees today! What a scorcher!”

But 42.4 degrees? Or whatever? Seriously?

So you’re allowed a LITTLE anger... :D

So you’re allowed a LITTLE anger... :D

Angry.... Canadian....

Does not compute!

Angry.... Canadian....

Does not compute!

Per the headline: who the hell wants to? I wish my wife likes SW more. (Damn Trekkie that she is)

But what if you want Pizza Hut? (Beside the fact that you’re a sick freak with dead taste buds of course...)

No, I’ve had the real thing. I like it just fine, but it’s not something I’d just eat all by itself because it’s best as an accompaniment.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t know me, or what I’ve eaten.

I’m a chili head. I have ground Trinidad Scorpion pepper in my pantry. I eat all sorts of hot things, and like I said, wasabi would get boring pretty quickly.

But thanks for your input, poser.

At least it wasn’t little Debbie Gibsons... Man those Twinkies overdoses...

And by on the floor, I literally mean in a box, on the floor. Their bad I guess. It wasn’t secured away or wrapped in plastic or anything. I simply picked it up, took it to the register, declined the warranty, and gave them my money.

I still have it as my 2nd monitor, and it’s still going strong.

And by on the floor, I literally mean in a box, on the floor. Their bad I guess. It wasn’t secured away or wrapped

They may have learned. It was at least 4-5 years ago, and they were putting everything out. This wasn’t one of the “super hot, we only have 5 of them” items, but it WAS a really good deal. I think I saw about 10 of them on the floor.

They may have learned. It was at least 4-5 years ago, and they were putting everything out. This wasn’t one of the

I lined up early one Black Friday Morning at Frys. The line was to the street, and this Frys was an old Incredible Universe, and the parking lot is massive. I got about 1/2 of what I wanted, but since my brother was in town, and he didn’t have a Frys in Denver at the time, it was probably worth it. I had a paper, and

I lined up early one Black Friday Morning at Frys. The line was to the street, and this Frys was an old Incredible

Pizza Pizza.... Cheapa cheapa

Pizza Pizza.... Cheapa cheapa

We shall! We shall!

We shall! We shall!

I’ve actually seen them start in the middle of the line.

I’ve actually seen them start in the middle of the line.

I’m going to share a secret Best Buy Trick that I’ve exploited before:

Go in the night before Thanksgiving around closing time. Most of the time, Best Buy has already adjusted their prices. do NOT involve a manger, as they’re likely wise to this trick, and won’t sell to you. Get a run of the mill employee. If it’s not

I’m going to share a secret Best Buy Trick that I’ve exploited before:

Go in the night before Thanksgiving around

I saw one in Moline called “Carlos O’Kelly’s”.... scary... Mexican-Irish in Illinois..... /shudder

Are you cousins with the Frito Bandito?

I have some pretty good Asian markets in the neighborhood, and I splurged on some of the real stuff once... Whoo!