Robb Nunya

That’s crazy, not stupid. Don’t make that mistake.

SOME feminists really don’t give a fuck about his feelings.

So you have to have a “real ID” to fly, but not to vote.

I always thought the Free State Project should have chosen Arizona for many of these reasons.

When I went back in to Detroit from Windsor, it was opening day for the Tigers. So many people were flooding in, that I essentially walked through the line with only a flash of my US passport.

I dunno... going into Canada one time was a little hairy.

“Why do you need a laptop, eh?”

(Actual question asked of me at the Detroit/Windsor border by a Canadian guard. And he said “eh”)

“what is right.”

What is right is having a government that enforces contracts and defends property rights. That includes the right to your most precious property... yourself.

The second government steals from one person to give to another, it loses all morality.

And no, I’m not “fine with everyone else paying...” Quit

So funny.

You want to talk about qualifications? I didn’t simply cheery pick. I’ll put up Obama’s resume now:

Community Organizer
President: Harvard Law Review (Equivalent to Sports Broadcaster... It’s a student publication. whoooo)
Part Time Prof at U of Chi (Offered Tenure, declined)
Wrote a book
Senator (1/2 term or

Except for those pesky environmentally horrible batteries...

My mother in law has had one of these for years, and loves it. My wife has the model down, and also loves it. I couldn’t care less about it except that it means my wife no longer gripes about her old sewing machine, so I love it.

My mother in law has had one of these for years, and loves it. My wife has the model down, and also loves it. I

Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens

Great game. Easy to figure out, and tons of replay value. We’ve taught 3 different sets of friends how to play in about 20 minutes each, and all of them have loved the game.

Great game. Easy to figure out, and tons of replay value. We’ve taught 3 different sets of friends how to play in

Great game. Easy to figure out, and tons of replay value. We’ve taught 3 different sets of friends how to play in about 20 minutes each, and all of them have loved the game.

Great game. Easy to figure out, and tons of replay value. We’ve taught 3 different sets of friends how to play in

Like I said, he never did much. You brought up Reagan, let’s look at his record in contrast:

Lifeguard - Saved 77 lives
College - Served as Student body president
Sports Broadcaster
Military Reserve - elists as a private, promoted to 2nd Lt by the time it’s all said and done
Then he becomes an actor
During his time as ab

Since you can’t seem to grasp the nuance of my words, I’ll use smaller ones:

He not 100% socialist... that mean that he not socialist “in full.” If he 99% socialist, then he not socialist “in full.” That mean he still socialist, but dumb people want to think that putting “in full” in front of words make him not

And in all that time, he never held down a real job; Never created worth. He was a community organizer, and got elected to the Senate, where he was absent more often than not.

I’m not talking about his policies, I’m talking about his success before President. I’m not the biggest Fiorina fan either, but at least she

By the way, Alberto, I’m in. Let’s just split it up. It’ll be pretty damn funny to see your sad little fragments scatter to the wind when your failed experiment goes the way of Greece. I’m completely OK with the dissolution of the government if done in a peaceful manner. When you figure out that modern Democrats are

Successful? At what? Beyond being elected that is. What did he actually do? What company did he run? What’s your metric for success?


You’re one of the slow ones.

Lemme help:

What’s with the Jimmy Buffet hate? The tailgating before the concert is greatness, the women are friendly, and the booze flows like water... as well as the other (ahem) less than legal (In Texas) refreshments. Parrot Heads are so laid back that it’s impossible to hate them, even if you hate their fashion sense.