Robb Nunya

I put one of these in at my mother-in-law’s old place. She lived in an upstairs apartment in a 100 year old house, and the shower was awful. This, plus an S neck made her shower actually endurable, if cramped. At least I didn’t have to do gymnastics to get all wet, and scored pretty good brownie points with her for my

I put one of these in at my mother-in-law’s old place. She lived in an upstairs apartment in a 100 year old house,

I’d like to see backup cameras pretty much come with everything. I never knew what I was missing until I rented a small car with a backup camera. Man, that’s a nice feature.

Yeah, my mom (80 years old) has her Maxima connected to her phone. I had to help, but she uses it all the time.

For anyone in the Dallas area...

I feel your pain, my friend. It took me weeks to unsubscribe to all the car magazine websites, auto trader websites, and dealers mailing lists after my last purchase.


I’m a Mazda 3 owner (now in the possession of my wife). I didn’t buy the 2014 Mazda 3 for 2 reasons:

1> They were too proud of the car, price-wise for me

try sprinkling it with catnip, and spraying your upholstery with cat repellent. Every day. EVERY DAY.

My orange tabby on getting his 1st of 2 shots last time, went psycho. The Doc decided to just leave him in his carrier, and give him the shot, and he got pissed, backed up into the carrier, and hissed and slapped at anyone getting close. He even slapped me, which he’s never done. They finally got 4 people, one with a

We adopted a cat from a yarn shop that was closing. Her name was stitches. We thought it was because she was in a yarn shop. Turns out it was because you need stitches if you get on her bad side. I’ve mostly fixed that part, but her name transformed into Princess. It was more appropriate.

This is unintentional greatness... The gremlin got to it, causing failure!

Ehh, my Orange Tabby is like that. So was my Tonkinese.

I used to do this with my Tonkinese... It seemed to piss him off.

Bad part of that is that you encourage them to chew up socks, though. I prefer to keep things on my feet out of their collective minds when toys come up.

I just bought 3 of them because my cat pretty much wrecked the last one. My Orange Tabby will carry it around and the Grey Tabby kitten will chase after him trying to take it away. I don’t even have to interact with them unless I want to see them catch air.

One of my cats loves to shred cardboard boxes... I’ve had to replace a couple of my comics boxes due to this.

My mother in law may have you beat. Just recently...

JP-140 Chrome
Waterpik brand.

JP-140 Chrome
Waterpik brand.

Aww... still trying little fellah? Keep it up... maybe someday you’ll actually be a little less boring at it. tah.

Aww... still trying little fellah? Keep it up... maybe someday you’ll actually be a little less boring at it. tah.