Robb Nunya

If you sign on to another’s company, you’re bound by their culture, to some extent. If you break with that culture, they have the right to terminate the association. You don’t own them, and they don’t own you. It’s mutually profitable for them and you. When it becomes less so, either of you is in the right to

It’s just you.

It’s more of a dictatorship to force a company to keep an employee against their will. You don’t have a right to work for an employer. Get that thought out of your head right now. You have a right to be paid for work that you and an employer have agreed on. Morally, that’s all you have a right to.

Not really illegal... At least not nation-wide (assuming USA)

“There are no federal laws restricting what information an employer can - or cannot - disclose about former employees. If you were fired or terminated from employment, the company can say so. They can also give a reason. For example, if someone was fired for stealing or falsifying a time sheet, they can explain why

You might feel no sympathy, but a little empathy might be in order. Yeah, he was the dumb ass. He got what he deserved. You can still feel bad for the guy.

My wife was a Seminary student a few years back. When one of her peers got tagged on Facebook in a pic with a drink in her hand, she was let go from her youth minister position.

She was on her own time, and wasn’t doing anything illegal, or even immoral. But the church was in the right to fire her. Why? Because she

I feel that. I also understand not wanting to piss of a company that has a bunch of lawyers on retainer. I worked for a company that’s long gone, but the old owner and his lawyer mama had a bad habit of suing like crazy. I still don’t talk about any details of those POSes online. Just in case.

Funnily enough though, I

Get back to us when it’s your IP that’s compromised. When it’s your people being bashed by one of your own people. When you’re the one tarnished by that employees stupidity.

Who wants to see someone out of work? You can understand the reasoning, and even support Nintendo for making the right call, but still feel bad for a human who was just fired.

Spoken like a burger-flipper.

He wasn’t whistleblowing. He was sharing company secrets. Big diff.

Almost every boss I’ve ever had absolutely hated having to fire an employee... Unless the person absolutely had it coming of course.

I don’t know that his career is ruined. He lost a job. That doesn’t make him toxic.

That wasn’t wrongful though. He was fired with cause, and I’m pretty sure any country out there would agree.

I disagree. If you disclose information once, then you’re a risk. Kevin Mitnick and his ilk would love to make your acquaintance, if he knew you had such loose lips. A company has the right to protect their IP like this. You’re judged not only by your productivity, but also your judgment and adherence to looking out

I’d say... in the black & white realm, either the Fitbit Surge HR or the Basis Peak.
In color screens, one of the smart watches that has a pulse reader.

I mention the B&W models due to massively better battery life.

I’d say... in the black & white realm, either the Fitbit Surge HR or the Basis Peak.
In color screens, one of the

I’ve scrolled back up to this about 4 times... I hate you. Can’t... look... away...

Yeah... there’s a property that needs to be protected ad inifinitum...

I’m not putting anything in my car that reduces airflow. Texas is hot, y’all!

I’m not putting anything in my car that reduces airflow. Texas is hot, y’all!

Cities and Knights is a good addition.

Cities and Knights is a good addition.