You’re not actually implying they would have been given accurate information from China as to what was actually going on, are you?
You’re not actually implying they would have been given accurate information from China as to what was actually going on, are you?
This may be a harsh truth for you, but it is very much a truth: Chinese people think nothing like you and me, and concepts like don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t steal were in a memo they never got. Chinese people have no concept of honesty as a virtue, much less altruism, and trying to associate such concepts with…
Why do you hate your children?
Hold my goat.
So, roughly half of the entire population? I don’t think so, Tim. Don’t be so gullible. A much safer bet is that the numbers are pure bullshit, just like most Chinese “information”.
That’s, er, quite the setup you have there...
Nay, man, no pass at all. Chicago is a fucking nuthouse all its own.
That’s pretty fair, and apologies for conflating. No defence, but it’s hard to keep track of all the brands of American cops. We have a couple different offshoots up here, but holy fuck, in the US there’s a stripe of cop for every single institution, it seems.
United is definitely shit, but listen to the Chicago police scanner for one night (weekends are best, obviously, but anytime after 10pm Central will do nicely), and then report back with your impressions.
Yup. But because of the fucked-up infrastructure in this instance, they all had to be shut off individually, by actually unplugging them from their power supplies, because they didn’t have on-off switches. Fucking amazing, and an extremely good example of a literal wake-up call for the citizens. We were watching this…
Why? Because one “blog community” bans people with dissenting opinions? Isn’t that what Gawkmodo has done for at least 5 years? On these sites, you must lap up and regurgitate what you are told to, and then go back to the vomit and do it again, or else face the banhammer.
I tried like hell to find an Oscar Gamble card in some spokes, and even considering shooping one in, but in the end I had to consider myself defeated.
Unless your boyfriend is also completely deaf and insensitive to vibration, he will most likely hear the clanging warning bells and sense the oncoming train, so no worries.
“it just feels like a culling of the herd”
I like the Tie fighter and calliope ones especially, but I would also accept something old-style:
It’s a kinja feature and you should learn to embrace it. Consider it a never-ending stream of kinja turd-cupcakes. Because fucking kinja, that’s why.
Son, I am disappoint. All these years, I thought you had more integrity.
And as for you...