“the CW [confidential witness] agreed to notify the FBI when CW detects the presence of child pornography during the regular course of CW’s employment and is willing to testify in a court of law.”
“the CW [confidential witness] agreed to notify the FBI when CW detects the presence of child pornography during the regular course of CW’s employment and is willing to testify in a court of law.”
No, it’s just that Dennis Rodman is my buddy, and if he is not surely stable and trustworthy, then who is?
Time to get your spokes fixed, then, boy, because they do.
“How on earth can they justify taking a cut of the rent going forward?”
*sees the possibility of endless apartment-flipping.*
I think it’s fair, though. Americans bitch non-stop about “Hollywood”, “the banks”, “the corporations”, etc. in an abstract way, but they utterly refuse to call out the owners. If they truly want more diversity in Hollywood, for example, they should stfu about “white people” and go after the people who actually run…
“were bought off by corporate entities which would benefit”
We need to stop funding 3rd World countries. While I realise Colombia is hardly Africa, the principles are still the same. This is where we are:
Stop helping 3rd World countries. South America is not Africa, but the principle is still the same: If a country cannot sustain itself, then it needs to fall by the wayside, and that is that. This is the reality:
“21 centimeters”
“ALL vaginas are mysterious if not a vexing puzzle”
Also, fuck the tactical nuclear weapons. Strategic nuclear weapons would be much more effective. Let’s see the wogs worship their moon rock when the site will be radioactive for the next 10,000 years. lol.
I’m okay with regular weapons. Watch this heli pilot take out a motorbike. That’s some tactical goodness right there.
“i was thinking more like this”
While I fully believe you were told some interesting stories, I’m gonna have to file those stories under “things that probably never happened”. Sorry ‘bout that.
Transient badgers are the worst badgers. They are like the rodent Gypsies of the prairie.
I agree. That said, a hopeful and fierce 9-yo is a good thing, because naiveté is normal among the young, but ignorant “adults” swallowing a narrative that isn’t really there should be flogged for stupidity.
I have done all kinds of drugs, and I have volunteered for all kinds of experiments, and so I would say yes. As part of your human growth experience, volunteer for every new thing, as long as you’re reasonably sure it isn’t going to kill or maim you. Be adventurous, and don’t hold back, or you will regret it later in…
Only one eye per tadpole, sir, but yes, they apparently do. Fucking tadpoles, man. Is there anything they can’t do?
Underrated post.