Genuinely lol’d at that. Special keks for the guy “welding” near the end.
Genuinely lol’d at that. Special keks for the guy “welding” near the end.
He’s only more likely to do that because the black kids would rather skip school and shoot up their neighbourhoods.
Meh. Get back to me when he invents a device that helps black kids not get shot.
Thanks for your illiterate response. Way to wave that black credibility flag.
Bog help me, but you’ve just explained the evolution of a liberal. You poor, poor bastard.
“White privilege is a great thing to have.”
I have a German-built Santoku which I’ve been very pleased with for some years.
I have a German-built Santoku which I’ve been very pleased with for some years.
If I understand correctly, it’s a Chinese company, so whether you consent or not, your information will be stolen. Also, the headline made me laugh: “Monitor Your Home From Anywhere”. They should have added: “Because We Will”.
If I understand correctly, it’s a Chinese company, so whether you consent or not, your information will be stolen.…
Anyone with brains in the US should realise that China is a far greater threat to world stability than Russia, and surely Russia realises it too. China has destroyed 70% of its water and 70% of its arable land, not to mention destroying its air supply, and so if there was ever a nation in history that needed lebensraum
Fuck the mainland Chinese (I specify here because HKers and Taiwanese do not think the way the mainlanders do). Lying, cheating, and stealing is built into their mentality, as well as stunning racial arrogance (for no historical reason whatsoever, as they are generally about as dull as your average brick, having…
Thank you. Also, there’s quite a load of dangerous bullshit as well. The author apparently thinks that if everyone just ignores China and engages in some serious ass-licking, that China will somehow begin to play nice and stop their territorial aggression, and that’s just not going to happen. They should have been…