
If the US had a brain in its head (lol), it would recruit gamers for drone pilots. I would do it almost for free. Stupid USA. Compare yourself with South Korea, which has arguably the best drone pilots on Earth, and then go bang your head in a doorframe.

Oh, Lawdy.

This reply is Gawker in a nutshell. So, o wise one, if you were to become suddenly rich, would your mind immediately go to “Yes! Let’s give it all away!” mode? Don’t be so stupid.

‘Struth. Mostly of shit, rotting things, and gunpowder, but mostly shit.

Nadia needs to lay off the fucking moon cakes.

Yes, I know, I hate myself, too. :-)

“McDonald manages to do a much better job than Heinlein ever did.”

Just imply that you have a handgun, preferably an open-carry old-school .45 revolver just like Dirty Harry had so that you can just blast your way out of any situation, and you should be okay. Also, if you have a race card, play it hard. This ain’t a game of euchre we’re talking about, and the bowers are what it’s all

I think it depends on the judge and/or jury... *shifty eyes*

I hope you get frozen slowly in oil, spammy scumbag. Merry Christmas!

“Ordering vinyl off amazon is akin to trying to sew a pair of pants with your colon”

People should raise their hands here if they have some experience with Columbia House or something like it. It’s okay, we’re all anonymous here. :-)

There is no contradiction anywhere, and you can go get an education when you have time. This article is about the first Christmas of the war.

Good job.

I know it’s cliché, but it is true that dry cold is way better, i.e., it’s not the cold, it’s the humidity.

On the other hand, maybe you could shut your hole and just enjoy the picture.

Never mind photograph, but imagine what it must be like inside the scientists’ minds when they’re cooking up things like Philae:

Now playing

Here, because I love, and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours:

Oh, yeah? Well, we used to melt old records into chip bowls in the oven, and sometimes burnt them for warmth. Come at me. :-)