Hey, idiot. The alleged rapists in this case were black, not white, so you can shove your gif up your ass. Like it or not, white people don’t normally rape black people.
Hey, idiot. The alleged rapists in this case were black, not white, so you can shove your gif up your ass. Like it or not, white people don’t normally rape black people.
And some people wonder why others shy away from accepting certain people as refugees. I think England has provided all the evidence we need, as well as Sweden now being Europe’s rape capital, in addition to being only second in the world now for rape per capita. Nice work, idiots.
“Why is the NFL’s most infamous quack still involved in its concussion program?”
Found the wu mao dang troll.
I’ve said it before, but touchscreens in cars are a recipe for car wrecks. Taking tactile sensation away from drivers so that they HAVE to take their eyes off the road is unbelievably stupid.
Sad, then?
Sad, then?
Exclusively? Because that seems rather elitist.
Exclusively? Because that seems rather elitist.
I find it both sad and hilarious that some people are so far gone down the tech rabbit-hole that they feel they need garbage like this. If somebody can’t remember their weight from day to day, or figure out what to do with it without a computer to do the math, there’s something wrong with them.
I find it both sad and hilarious that some people are so far gone down the tech rabbit-hole that they feel they need…
Holy shit. That’s just amazing.
The moon and clouds in that first one make the whole photo, and now I have a new desktop wallpaper. Thank you, Mr. Rogoway. Nice job as always.
Meh. Ignore that stupid golf cart, and look at this vicious little bastard, also easily air-portable:
Bravo, and well-said.
As the Romans in the Teutoburg Forest found out to their grief, and why the Romans just eventually said, “You know what, guys? I think we’ll just stop here after all, on this side of the Rhine. The other side seems quite boring.”
You’re right in all respects; however, I feel a lack of historical perspective in both the narrative and the comments, in that Wilson was elected in 1912, which was more than 100 years ago now but less than 50 years after the Civil War then, and that he was inaugurated at the age of 57 (I think).