
And I don’t blame him a bit. This sort of behaviour is disgraceful. Kindly make up your mind so that we can know which idiot persona to hate most.

“You can’t say all of Islam oppresses women”

Now playing

“Research” is not a Google term. Try harder. This place will defend the hijab to the death at certain times, while completely missing the fact that it is a male-driven mandate. People need to wake the fuck up.

Is that when they both snicker and look over at the Wog Rover?

I think that’s the self-destruct valve, aka the highest valve in Chinese engines, aka the oil pan nut in Western wheels. The Chinese build everything upside-down. Seriously, they really do. It’s amazing. If there is some weird or fucked-up way of doing something, the Chinese will find it.

Now playing

But Chinese, though! Think of the possibilities!

Are you even aware of the website you’re on? Because if not, then you’re on “Jezebel”, and if you’re not aware of the history of this site, then you should learn about it before opening your yap.

So you’ve heretofore been unaware of any overlap? Because if so, that’s fucking amazing, and you need to do some more research. Defending Islam is a pretty popular sport around here, in case you hadn’t noticed.

We were talking about Islam overall. Nice strawman, though. Get back to me when you’re allowed to have 4 husbands as slaves that you can trade and barter, in addition to your children. If you think the philosophy of Islam is restricted to the 2 pathetic examples you gave, then you need to go do some more research,

What I love is how quiet the Islam-defenders are on articles like this. It’s almost like their heads are busy up their asses or something.

I think you are being a bit saucy, no? Mr. Rogaway does a good job, and who are you to question it? Do you have some qualifications? If not, then kindly fuck off, since you are clearly just some sort of brainless fuckhead.

It has to do with the mentality behind it, numb-nuts, and comes from the resulting military programme, in which soldiers are conscripted and consequently care nothing about so much as getting back home, which too many Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan did in zinc coffins, hence the term “zinky boys”. Russians are stupid

The dinks slaggin’ here notwithstanding (srsly, wtf, guys? If you don’t like it, just don’t click...), good article.

Now playing

Admittedly I’m somewhat autistic, but I hope you’re not actually a Russian troll, because Russian trolls are only excelled in stupidity by Chinese trolls. Please do elaborate, though, by all means. Because Russians are not particularly bright, other than in an autistic sense. What I’m trying to say is, in general,

I just wanted to say that I really like your screen name. Nice work. :-)

From the recent parade. I didn’t make this, and while there were no hammer-and-sickle logos, this is still pretty telling, this many years after the Wall fell:

“Aside from the computer screens, all of these photos look like they could’ve been taken in 1985.”

lol. Ironic screen name, bro.

lol. I just hope he got his $75,000 worth of “service” in before his brain short-circuited. Seriously. I don’t know whether to mourn him, or salute him as a hero. We could have both, I suppose, although personally I just feel he was a shit human being and that collectively we’re all the better that he’s no longer in

Genuinely not sure what your beef here with Tyler is, but you’re being a solid brass dick. Do you have some excuse for your behaviour?