1) Cops aren’t cloned out of a factory, and while some of them are going to be human fuck-ups, the vast majority are genuinely trying to help.
“the cops are abdicating their responsibility”
On the other hand, how’s that working out for the black community in Baltimore? You can’t have it both ways.
“Only the most staggering part is that *not a single one* believes they (or their peers) brought it on themselves.”
I just do my best, according to my Cub Scout creed. To me, my best friends are the ones most truthful about my idiocy, and I hope that one day Gawker might also adopt that viewpoint. I hold out no hope for that, but a boy can dream.
I would think at this point that one obvious, glaring difference between Gawker Media and TMZ (besides the obvious, glaring difference that TMZ sometimes does actual reporting) is that TMZ doesn’t appear to give a flying rat-fuck about when GM misreports things, and can’t be arsed to “report” on that.
Meh. In no way do I support extra-judicial killings, but if it keeps the assholes awake at night wondering if it might happen to them, I’m not going to lose any sleep of my own. :-)
Good, and glad to see it. Almost makes me glad there weren’t more assholes to kill. Good job, boys, and all respect.
Great article, and great questions. Very good job indeed.
This one I think wins the cake, with the wish that it can be done by The Thing, a la, “It’s Knucklefuckin’ Time!”
Also welcome in the lexicon, and welcome aboard. That’s very good. :-)
Unrelated to much else, but I recently saw the insults “knucklefucker” and “knucklefuck”, and I was impressed. :-)
<break> They appear to be low-foreheaded, black-haired folks, with a tinge of olive in their skins. Recommend further attention.</break>
I like you. Now, how do we present this nugget of wisdom to Those In Charge?
Honest answer: As far as I know, no modern drone (V1s were downed sometimes by British pilots in WWII) has been shot down by a fighter, although several have been lost to ground fire, whether missile or traditional AA, and if Iran is to be believed (I believe them), at least one to high-tech hijacking. I'm almost…
It's just a test vehicle, that's all. Much will be learned from it and used for input on the next-gen weaponry. I do have to admit, though, that I hope some derivation of this is down the road. That is one seriously badass-looking airframe, I do have to say. I'm betting that the main fragrances in Chinese headquarters…
It's in the cards, apparently, and I like it very much: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ar…