I honestly don’t think it’s worth the political garbage at this point.
I honestly don’t think it’s worth the political garbage at this point.
Good job, seriously. So much body language.
“self righteousness? are fucking serious?.....is that what you call pointing out the ugly facts of history done by ugly human beings? you really truly are a sick person....let me guess, you’re a closet neo-nazi? if nothing else you a deplorable shit -
I’m more curious as to what this thing is in the first place. Like, seriously, what the fuck is a Miko Grimes, and why should we care?
*misspells “English”* ... *facepalm* ...
You’re dealing with Apple, aren’t you? Was there any other outcome?
Tyler, regarding airplane strategy in general, is there a possibility that the US could be trying to psych out the other side with the F-35, bur building boatlaods of F-22s in the meantime? I mean, I can buy the F-22 for sure, but the F-35 just seems like a fool’s game.
I feel sorry for that little baby monkey, since he’s going to try iOS for the first time, clearly rooked in by the white baby Steve Jobs. Godspeed, little man, and RIP. For you, bananas are healthier than apples, and it’s sad that you have to find it out this way.
Not just that, but on Gawker, too, where actual facts are like kryptonite to the SJWs.
If that was the only display of the military they’ve got, then they better go take a back seat somewhere. I watched the parade “live” (the Chinese kept forcing recycled footage into the BBC feed, showing the same groups and the same idiots shouting “forward” or whatever, but shot from different angles and presented as…
So, white, then. Whew. Glad that’s over with.
And you know damn well he didn’t climb in through that hatch...
Great article, as always, sir, but “ordinances”? I’m praying that’s an autocorrect malfunction. :-)
Ironic headline, yo, not to mention the tripe following it.