If we cant deploy a warship to fight wars, i'm not sure the use of it. :)
If we cant deploy a warship to fight wars, i'm not sure the use of it. :)
Insane. These things will be sitting ducks in the case of a war with any state that has a few anti-ship missiles. We should send Hagel the link on Wikipedia to the Falklands war.
No, I recommend using tax loonies to clear mines. But I can be cruel sometimes.
Deploy ROO drones
it's amazing what the power of boredom can incite
The tarmac at CFB Penhold is sticky on the boots for drill training.
No, bad rapping is a redundant term whose origins are with our American cousins. Good rapping is a mythical concept that may used as a term to describe a rapping parody. Your welcome.
Dat CADPAT doe. You know, a pattern that actually fucking works compared to the useless UCP on the ACUs.
ah life in the Canadian Army
Fort Wainwright Air Base
All I can hear while looking at these photos:
My nephew is currently transitioning from flying predators to the C-17. A couple more months of training and he'll be flying them out of Charleston, SC. Got his AF pilot wings in 2010, but there weren't enough KC-135 or C-17 slots open at the time so he got stuck with predators. Deployed three times.
I got to jump C-130 door and tailgate, Huey, and Chinook tailgate, but I never did jump the C-17.
I rode a C-130 from Iraq to San Diego. I hate that airplane with a passion. If I never set foot on one for the rest of eternity it'll be too soon. It's a great airplane for it's purpose, but for flying halfway around the earth damn near it's a terrible airplane to ride in.
Sorry, all we have is sea bass, sir.
Might have a bit of a space issue attaching a LaWS to its head at this point in time.
0/10, no frickin laser beam attached to sharks head