
Yes, not liking Republicans IS the same as not liking to be in America. Yeah, she should go back, that makes sense. Ugh, she's SUCH a hater, omg.

Brad Pitt's "What was in the booox, what's in the booooox?" from Se7en, whenever I see a box lying around.
Monica Geller's "I KNOW!" for, you know, whenever I know something.
The Princess Bride's "You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means" for wrong word usage.
Thank you, pop culture at


I know! Been there, done that…

Yes, you do. Not every skinny girl hates eating. Sometimes it's just genetics.

Beautifully and accurately said! Thank you for this careful analysis!
I'd just like to make a minor correction: the cousin Scout beats up is not uncle Jack's son, but his great-grandson (being his and Atticus' sister Alexandra's grandson).

Jason Derulo has that Bella Swan/Anastasia Steele lip bite when oggling female dancers, and good GOD does it make me uncomfortable. As soon as he's in the frame I start wishing the camera to go away from him really hard.

Although I'd personally call it slant rhyme, I agree it's not The Laziest Rhyme ever, there are way worse ones; but on the other hand, it's not as if "cue" were like "orange". There are plenty of words out there that rhyme with it. No need to resort to "poo".

Well, not according to any pronunciation I've ever heard. To say that these 2 rhyme is to sorely ignore the semi-vowel sound involved in the word "cue".
Cue: \'kyü\
Poo: \'pü\
If they rhyme, we should have \y\'s picture on a milk carton, cause it's seriously missing.

"Cue" and "you", sure. But "poo"? "Poo" rhymes with "cue"?!

Maybe Taylor herself likes it better now? Maybe she made the decision to change her fashion style and is thoroughly pleased with the results. It's not like she's not still preternaturally pretty.

I buy it.

We're not saying Targs are immune to fire (at least, I'm not), as this is clearly not the case. Aemon and Viserys are here to show us that.
The thing is that Danny seems to have some sort of, well, not immunity, but somewhat strong resistance to fire, given the bath water, the eggs and the pyre. These were all in the

I like to think so too. He has yet to prove us wrong.

Yes. The Hound is dead, Sandor's at peace.

That would, indeed, make it a much smarter plan than poisoning Myrcella and then letting Jaime get to KL with his daughter's body.

Ohhhh you're right! Shireen's already there! Didn't remember that anymore! Oh GODS…

Yes, the eggs and the bath water, too! Well remembered!
The "not getting burned" thing was NOT something cooked up for the show, it's real in the books. Danny is definitely one the heads of the dragon, as the prophecy says, and thus has abilities that neither Aemon nor Viserys should have.

But wasn't the ritual so that Danny could have Khal Drogo back? And in the end she even got cheated out of it, as Drogo became nothing more than a vegetal.
The blood magic ritual was long finished and done with by the time the pyre was lit.

I think Stannis's parts are bound to play out differently in TWoW: he has yet to have Shiren burned (if at all), and since she's still in Dragonstone, this process is definitely worth a read.
Not to mention that, if he truly is to die by Brienne's hands, that'll take some phenomenal gymnastics: by the end of ADwD, he