
Yeah, I was really frustrated that, in the book, Jon only talks clearly about why he wants to bring the wildlings to safety to a handful of crows. To everyone else he's simply all "no, it's the right thing to do", and I internally screamed "Jon, be CLEARER!".
I wish I could believe things will go another direction on

Very possible. But a lot to be inferred in the midst of all that chaos going on. It seems all very hazy, and that the writers left it to chance that we might connect that piece on the ground with the piece Wun Wun refused to give back. I know all I could think was "why don't you guys have the dragonglass with you at

"And I've also done some fighting myself, Kit, not to mention that I've memorized quite the big lines."

Yes, you're right, I just rewatched that part!
However, while Jon is scrambling on the floor for the bag, he sees a piece of dragonglass (and a big one, at that) and tries to get to it, but is flung across the room by the white walker before he can get to it.
So the way I see it, there are 2 odd details:
1. How come

Wait, I'm on it!

And wine drinking. That would also apply to Cersei.

So again: why was he desperately looking for it, instead of asking Ed for it? I mean, there's a very strong possibility of my remembering the scene wrong here, but as far as I recall, Jon is looking for it like a man man, and someone basically tells him "fuck the dragonglass, let's get out of here". Isn't that someone

I don't recall it, but that would make sense. But then, why did Jon have to go back and desperately look for it in the middle of the cabin on fire?

I agree that once shit hit the fan, the bag would not be their priority - since they were not quite fighting the wights, and thus did not the dragonglass at first. But I don't think it should've stayed behind in the cabin while they were organizing the boats. As there was no fight going on, he could've used one of his

I can't help but wonder why the hell the bag with the dragonglass wasn't being watched at all times, with its being so important. I mean, really? They LEFT IT BEHIND while organizing the boats? Jon was great this episode, but this was just too remiss of him and everyone else.

You know… although I really liked, while reading the books, to find out Mance was still alive, I don't think it's necessary for him to be. And the same goes for Lady Stoneheart: while it was an interesting turn of events, I really fail to see its necessity.
Of course: we don't know what G.R.R.M.'s plans are for these

4. THANK YOU! I got this close to screaming "just call Andy!!!!". Jesus, Phil.

"What happened? Did I get the pen?" was one of the rare times that Manny was really funny! Easily my biggest laugh in this episode.

Exactly. I think it's quite different because it's with the only man she's ever trusted AND in front of her son's corpse, no less.

That was a GREAT scene! Like you said, the moment Tyrion realizes Jorah didn't know about his father… so subtle, but so well done.
Every season we have an unlikely pairing that fans come to love. I guess this is the one for season 6: Tyrion and Jorah. At least, it's been great so far. Great conversations (when Jorah

Exactly. While putting Sansa in Jeyne's place was really smart, turning her arc into mere motivator for Theon detracts from it. This could've been handled differently. And the show has a track record of not dealing with rape well. Rapes in GoT don't traumatize anyone, people quickly forget about them, and have no

I think people are confused because LF also made promises of loyalty to Stannis, then to Sansa, then to Cersei. He's not necessarily telling Cersei the truth.

Well, my objection (I'm not exactly outraged… baffled, yes, but not outraged) comes from the fact that I don't think it will serve her development as a character… it certainly didn't serve Danny's or Cersei's when they were raped. In fact, both of them pretty much forgot they'd been raped. So… why include a rape scene

Maybe Arya's first assignment? It was already hinted at last night, don't know how long it'll actually take to get us there…
Maybe other developments regarding the North?

Well, I do see where you're coming from. However, I think that, while she might have been willling to undress and have marital relations with him (although "willing" might be too strong a word here, "resigned to" describes it better for me - but I know what you mean, she knew it was coming and had agreed to it