
Very true. But the problem seems to be, from what I can understand, knowing your way around the North. If I recall correctly from the books, that is a big issue. Isn't this why Stannis wants the northeners to join him (besides the "I'm your rightful king" thing)? And southerners will have trouble fighting in the cold

Assuming the River lords answer to the Freys, which they might feel very compelled not to do.

Not a good strategy, I think. The Freys would never be able to fight in the North against all the Stark/Bolton bannermen - according to what we've seen in the show so far, the North is to all the rest of Westeros what the Russian winter was to Napoleon and Hitler.
That assuming that the Freys answer her call, which I

Granted. But that would mostly depend on Lord Frey's mood, as they would depend on HIM to lower the bridges or something - same thing Robb needed him to do way back in season 2. If he doesn't do it, no one invades him.
And even if he complies, there's still no one else other than the Freys.

I can't wrap my head about how STUPID Cersei is.
Alliances with Dorne? Nope, hate them. With Highgarden? Nope, hate them too. And she already doesn't have the Stormlands. She clearly thinks she can count on Riverrun, the Vale and the North. Thing is, the Late Lord Frey answers to no one, the North is way too far, and

I don't think he essentially declared himself to be in open rebellion against the Lannisters; he was very right in thinking that a marriage to a Stark would help them keep peace in the North way more than the Lannisters alliance.
First cause all the Stark bannermen hate the Lannisters (and now the Boltons), and second

Well, from what I gathered while reading the review, it's not the rape itself, but rather how its aftermath is handled.
There are usually consequences following the deaths (Ned, Robb, Catelyn, Joffrey, Tywin and Shae, the Lord Commander, Ser Barristan, to mention some of the most important ones). The deaths and their

The risking Sansa thing was necessary for Cersei to decide to take action against the Boltons. If Littlefinger hadn't told her about it, the Lannisters would've done nothing whatsoever re: the Boltons vs. Stannis.

Is it okay that I bawled my eyes out when Sue got her yearbook back and realized everyone had signed it? Jesus, I completely lost it.

I still think of it as Emily's creepy dream.

I teared up like crazy when new Sammy showed up.

Yeah, I watched the show faithfully for these 4 seasons and enjoyed every second of it. But looking at it objectively, season 1 was great, season 2 sucked beyong imagination, seasons 3 and 4 were good, but not great. And the finale made it justice, I think.
But only season 1 had that Count of Monte Cristo vibe, the

The bit with Emily getting Victoria's heart… wasn't it Emily's dream? Wasn't it what she woke up from, on the boat?
Of course: it may be that Emily heard the conversation unconsciously (how?!) and it got stuck in her brain. But I think it's weird that Charlotte would go all "that's what mother would've wanted" with

I'm with you! The minute I saw his face I shrieked "Dr. Abbot!!!! They're together again!!!"

The minute Sanjay said he liked Alex I thought "IT'S A TRAP!", and was actually really happy that Phil and Claire hadn't "fallen for it". I was dreading that they'd try to convince Alex Sanjay was not sincere, she'd get mad and lose the race on purpose - and THEN we'd see Sanjay and his obnoxious parents gloat all

Well, that's just being fair to source material. Cause her powers are also vague in the comics.

Makes sense. But I don't think the Dean will actually go through with it. The professor was fake injured, and they got the money back. Her being "expelled" was most likely part of the grift.

Exactly! I LOVED the fact that Doran had had a master plan all along, while everyone around him thought he was a coward. Now…

My feelings exactly. Arya's resemblance to Lyanna, and Catelyn resenting Jon for looking more like a Startk than Robb, were some of the things that made me think of R+L=J back when I read the first book.
Another detail is that Lyanna asked Ned to never tell anyone about it, and Ned was very concerned to never discuss

Exactly! Still one of the most frustrating bits of the entire series. [sighs]
So while it may do them good to blame it all on the Lannisters, they're really ignoring how laws work in Westeros.