
During Sansa and Littlefinger's conversation re Lyanna, there was a tiny detail that I absolutely loved. When Sansa says Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna, we can just glimpse (since he's not the focus of that shot) Littlefinger frowning. As if what Sansa was saying was not quite correct.
Maybe I read too much into

But then again, re the Sand Snakes, it's the same thing in the books. While I read I was like "yeah, I feel your pain, Oberyn was awesome, but… it's perfectly legal, right? He chose to take part in that trial by combat! His death is no one's fault but his own."
Still, everything pertaining Dorne is pretty great, so… go

- I thought Melisandre was trying to seduce Jon because of his royal blood, the "power" she senses in him. Maybe she wants to make another shadow baby? This time to kill Roose Bolton? In the books she seems to think that Jon's the real chosen hero of the Lord of the Light, and we can see her in the series turning her

But unlike his mother, his sister is not the one who showers him with love, affection, makes him toasts with smiley faces on them and sings him "Soft Kitty".
His mother is possibly the only person (other than Amy, his nerdy TV and Physics icons) he doesn't consider a idiot. And even so, he clearly does not think much

I don't know, but high-schoolers are not usually crazy over the nerdy straight-A types like Alex. To me, it makes perfect sense she's not popular, I've never seen nerds being popular at school.
She's pretty, but let's not forget that there's a whole "She's All That" culture out there. "Look, she's nerdy, she wears

Me too! I remember even complaining to my mom about it. "She looks trashy now!".

Although… wasn't it mentioned recently that Raj has a cleaning lady? Or am I making that up? Because if he does, then his apt. being immaculate is not his merit…

But Sheldon would definitely consider her an idiot. He considers his PhD friends idiots (well, Howard only has a Master's degree, after all), let alone his sister.

No… Ursula actually says "Not any kiss. The kiss of true love"
Had there been such a loophole, Ariel could've had a field day, if she had the smarts.

THANK YOU. My feelings, exactly.

Also "Grease". Sandy changes everything about herself in order to please a guy who has been a douche to her time and time again - and his douchey friends.
BUt how can I not love the songs and the coreography?!

The Little Mermaid. I absolutely adore the film - and can't help but get frustrated with everything Ariel does. Even as a child I thought "what do you mean you 'love him'? You never ever heard him speak, you just saw him! You guys never talked!". I'm aware it's a fairy tale, and the love-at-first-sight is a fairy-tale

I absolutely loved this week's The Middle! And I gotta say, Logan trying to ask Sue to prom, and Sue not getting it got the biggest laugh out of me. The PATIENCE!

Breaking Bad.
It just simply rubs me the wrong way, for no particular reason; I really cannot pinpoint why. And now I'm committed to not watching it, no matter how much all of my friends tell me it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just… NO.

Like I said, Karen is a problem, she clearly doesn't know her ass from her elbow, and is definitely not a strong woman.
Claire, on the other hand, has been rescued once, only. Hardly enough to file her away as a "victim". I don't know what kind of "fighting back" she's supposed to do against the whole Russian mob. Clad

This review is good, but something bothered me to no end (I shouldn't have let it bother me that much, but I'm weak like that): "red candle wax, like the candles in a Catholic church"? I don't know in the US, but red candles are NOT a symbol of the Catholic church anywhere else. You won't find them in any Catholic

Well, like so many others have said here, these grades have been absurd lately, sorry. I think the reviewer was looking for subtlety in all the wrong places, and managed to miss them where they actually were. But all of this has clearly been said here, so I'd like to point out just 2 things:

You've made my day.

Although I do agree that it's really off-putting the way "nerd stuff" is relegated to the men (i.e., "the children"), while the women get depicted as being grown-ups because they roll their eyes to all that… it's going a bit too far to say that "it doesn't make sense" for them not to have anything to do with geekery.

The TARDIS plotline made me die a little. They DISMANTLED it and used just a part of it. A life-size TARDIS. Man…