
I know there's a discussion going on about how Tom used to be like Miss Bunting, and that now he's been accepted by Downton, he's not unpleasantly radical anymore; that all may be so.
But regardless of writer Fellowes views on socialism and aristocracy (granted, he's clearly favorable to the latter), what's the point

Why are we pretending Kid Rock, or anything he says, is still relevant?
I'm not a Seth Rogen fan, but this is stupid. Even if this had been the slowest news week in a decade.

Wow, that's… very important to you.
My initial statement stands, then: he should've called the police.
I'm deeply sorry for not knowing the laws of your country.

Totally agree on Gilbert Grape and Neverland.

Gilbert Grape is not reaching. It doesn't get any more average than Gilbert Grape, actually.

I really wish J. Depp would play the average guy more often. I've actually started to wonder if he can even do it anymore.

That shopping idea… Sheldon suggested it, and it's very much in character for him to think "girls like shopping, because gilrs will be gilrs!". Besides, it's been established since season 1 that Penny likes shopping. So I'm not sure if it was soooo regressive. Maybe it was just a decision based on the character Penny.

I don't think she meant Doctor Who was something for boys. I thought it was totally about "you're nerds, I'm not, yet I keep doing nerdy stuff for you", and nothing to do with gender. It's been more than established that Penny and Amy (and Bernadette) are not pop culture buffs.

I'm a woman, I rarely cry, I always have tissues in my purse because I'm deeply allergic to… well, anything. And all the women in my family, despite never crying in public and not being allergic, carry tissues in their purses. Because, according to my grandma: "you never know".

Well, Raj's official birthday, apparently, is Oct. 6, 1981. But even without this piece of info: he's around 30 and when we first saw him in the Pilot he already had a Ph.D - that was 8 years ago. Not hard to believe he's a prodigy.
And it could be argued that none of those 4 are prodigies, based on countless things

I think that Mary was only to be disliked during the 1st season, when she was mean to Matthew and chased away that awkward Sir Anthony (to be fair, Edith had it coming, in my opinion, so good for Mary).
Since then, she's proven to be a good friend, wife and daughter (she is, admittedly, a very indifferent mother, I

Poor Lord Grantham! He's not that dumb… if they keep getting similar labradors and naming them all Isis, he MUST know it. After all, different dogs have different personalities, and the new Isis would be bound to behave differently from the old one once inside the actual house.

Men don't know exactly how much she has, they do know she's the daughter of an earl and a very rich American woman; besides, her husband might have the opportunity to control George's inheritance for a really long time (Mary will probably not allow it, but her suitors don't know that) - that means controling Downton

Totally agree. Mary seems ridiculously stuck-up (and she can be many times), but she often shows brains, courage and even heart. The fact that Tom has such a great relationship with her is very telling. And I loved it when she attended to the pigs herself last season (and so did Charles Blake, clearly).
For all of

Bates is supposed to be this really kind man, but… the only time I get to have any sympathy towards him is when Thomas does something against him - because really, how can one like anything Thomas does?

Exactly. And now this child must be really confused: who's this lady who took me from my family, then gave me to yet another family but keeps disturbing me in the peace of my new home?!
No one gets a break when Edith's around: Crawleys, babies, farmers, wounded soldiers, journalists…

Man. It's not enough for her to be "the ugly duckling" of the 3 sisters, she has to be the most pathetic as well.
Seriously, I can never stop thinking about that Swiss family to whom she'd given her baby. And now, poor Mrs. Drewe. Edith does not give 1 single f** about the distress she's putting that woman through.

Right? I mean, sure, she was hoping to marry Gregson (and he would've, for all we know), but c'mon. He was still married to the crazy lady, she HAD to think! But she never does…

I'm tired of Miss Bunting. It's not that she has the wrong ideas, it's just that she accepts people's invitation to go to their house and once she gets there, thinks she has the right to, with a smirk on her face, belittle everything they are, when they've been nothing but nice to her thus far. Being smart and ahead

I have no idea why this was even considered for a movie adaptation. Paulo Coelho's books are NOT movie material - well, they're barely even books, as a matter of fact. It beats the hell out of me why people like his "books" so much.