
This was a C for me. Jay and Gloria's storyline was barely a story; Claire is at her most annoying whenever the new neighbors are involved - and the fact that the LaFontaines would hit it off with Frank was telegraphed. Everything was predictable there.

I was getting the usual "meh" feeling with this episode - until Jay's "this is why the terrorists hate us". That cracked me up right away, and things picked up from there. The narrative structure was another plus. But obviously, the highlight was "sexy Phil", all "in control" of stuff. And when Cam asked himself "Is

Well, as I'm not American, I'm really not aware of your laws on trespassing, specially considering that they change from state to state, apparently.
I just think that, IF there's the possibility of him facing charges of trespassing, then I understand why he didn't call the police. Sure, she was on probation and

Makes sense. However, I still beg to differ; it makes more sense to me, particularly, that she'd accept to settle out of court. It took 2 years for the case to reach that point, who knows how much longer it'd take to actually get to court? Who knows whether she'd win the case? Victims still lose cases, every day, and

I'd like to bring to your attention the fact that Bill Cosby has already settled out of court once, in 2006. So apparently, he didn't want that case to go to court. Why?
I find it hard to believe that he would've settled out of court if the woman hadn't had some serious evidence. And lawsuits have been filed by other

What about us women who are naturally really thin without doing anything to achieve that? Who have more angles than the amazing curves you so love? Who CANNOT gain more weight even when we want to? Are we not real women?
Yeah, shaming women because they're curvy needs to stop, I agree. Because shaming ANYONE because of

I totally believe that Alex wouldn't mention her boyfriends to her family. She's always trying to keep them (specially Claire) away from her private life. I mean, some episodes ago she was picking colleges solely based on how far from her mom they are.

Plots where Alex is made to be the ugly duckling are so silly. Ariel Winter has grown into such a pretty girl. The "she's-not-beautiful-cause-she-wears-glasses" thing is just preposterous.

"You can always count on The Middle to turn in a solid Thanksgiving episode".
So true, this episode was great. I do hope they bring in Devin Levin again, there are some great possibilities there, and she's just too adorable.
With Sue's "and so on, and so forth and what have you" and Derrin's clear mental gymnastics in

In my country, we must take PE up to a certain point in high-school, but we don't have to be any good at it, just… show up for class and participate a little. Even if we are utterly incapable of kicking or throwing a ball, we still pass with almost flying colors.

Realizing you don't know nearly as much as you thought you did IS maturing. And being able to recognize a Shakespeare bust does not equal maturity. I've been able to do that since I was 10, and you could hardly call me mature NOW, let alone back then. Let us not confuse maturity with erudition (or, well, in this case,

An "American Gods" copy signed by Neil Gaiman, and a "Gallow's Thief" paperback signed by Bernard Cornwell.

Kevin Smith, Neil Gaiman. I mean, c'mon.

Hahahahaha, sorry for the suspense! This passage is one of my favorites not due to any particular beauty of language or anything, but rather to its relevance within the story.

People tend to antagonize high-school books instinctively, but Huck Finn is too awesome to be missed. It's got one of my favorite passages in all the Realm of Literature, too.

I just finished Jocelyne Godard's "Au bout de l'Éventail" (I don't think it's been translated to English yet, so I read it in Portuguese, my mother language), which I really enjoyed! And it was one of my favorite kinds of books: the fluke. I usually read books whose authors I know or have heard good things of, or

I KNOOOOW!!! That was the very first thing that popped into my head when she auditioned! It took me a long time to stop calling her Victoria!

LOVED the episode! It was extremely faithful to the manga - even more than "Crybaby Usagi" from 92 - and it looked gorgeous.
Please make this a regular review!

I remember when Sonya and Nap&Tabs were new and exciting. Now I'm enjoying Travis, Stacey Tookey and Chris Scott while hoping their spell is not broken as well…
Mark's choreo was GREAT! That was such a welcome change! Ryan would also be a good addition, I agree. Chelsie Hightower could choreograph for them more, too.

Also: "while they have sharp footwork and strong chemistry, they’re stuck dancing to an Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull track that distracts the audience with how shitty it is" had me roaring, so so true.