
This is a good Top20, but like many have said here, this will probably be the guys' season. I can hardly tell the girls apart! Well, except for Valerie, because how adorable can one be?, Tanisha (I do NOT like this girl) and Jessica.
Marcquet, Ricky and Emilio have my heart, period. The only girl I'm rooting for at

Hahahahahaha, same here! I usually watch any SYTYCD in English, and you're absolutely right: The Comic Duo and The Criminal Duo. Jeez.

This drinking game is SO necessary!
Re judges' comments, I'd also add:
- saying that this is the best, most talented Top(Number From 20 to 4) they ever had on the show (comment which can also be adapted to any individual dancer in his/her style);
- the dancers made it all seem effortless;
- a dancer is The Beast.

OMG, this video is hysterical, thanks for sharing!!! I'm never watching a contemporary routine with a straight face again!

Zooey Deschanel seems to think that simply opening her eyes really wide and acting "adorkable" is enough. For anything.

Yes, they definitely announced America would be voting for its Favorite Dancer. However, I distinctly remember Cat saying the winner would get a quarter of a million dollars (as it used to be). When they had 2 winners, each one got 100 thousand. So they're definitely not saving money, they're actually spending 50

Hahahahahahahaha! I noticed it without realizing it! I vaguely thought it was a piece of paper stuck to her buttocks!…

God you gotta love LiLo sometimes.

That was great, thank you for that! Some Inigo never goes amiss.

Thank the gods, old and new. But I'm slightly confused by the news that Yahoo Screen is a thing, actually…

The first episode made me cringe so many times - not that the episode wasn't well-executed, it definitely was! But seeing so many fails in one family on one day was too much for me, even by Hecks standard. My body actually relaxed when they got the nice hotel room. That WAS a turning-point!
Romantic Mike was so cute!

If Conrad is truly dead (anything is possible in Revenge. I mean, David Clarke?! Whoa), Henry Czerny will be sorely missed, he was always a joy to watch. But than again, his ending was SO fitting.

I know I definitely gasped. I knew Marian had been shown before, but I could NOT remember her face for the life of me.
LOVED your description of the usual Charming Family blubbering. Spot on.

Sometimes, Revenge is as silly and tacky as soaps can get. At other times, it is just a perfect, engrossing hour of TV. That was definitely one of these times. All the little twists, all the tense moments, the final result of it all, perfectly crafted. Also: Charlotte was FINALLY useful!
Noteworthy: Conrad at the end.

I still don't see why the Internet makes such a fuss about laugh tracks. It's not like having a laugh track makes a show objectively bad.
I get that The Big Bang Theory is not a particularly original show, far from it: it depends on clichés and a whole bunch of heavy-handed stereotypes. But if one's looking for

THANK YOU! Could not think of anything else during that delivery.

But wouldn't it make more sense to assume it was the creepy guy from the cabin, who was writing her letters and stalkng her and Jack?

Hahahahaha, same here! I really wanted that app to fail on its own!

THANK YOU! I couldn't stop thinking about it while watching the episode! It was like "c'mon Victoria, look at his teeth! Eeww!"

That Frankie-Sue moment was great, really sweet and long overdue. However, when it's just Frankie I tend to get annoyed. How does she manage to get jobs is seriously beyond me.
The whole thing with Mike and that girl's parents frustrated me to no end. How did Brick even start being friends with that girl, in the first