
Yeah, fair enough.

Agreed, some of these trips are entirely justified, and quite within the means of the average family.
But that these adults get to go to Australia right after getting back from Vegas is a bit of a stretch.
And Phil should probably stop complaining about Gil Thorpe selling more than him, if he'll simply drop everything

I agree that Brick's and Axl's stories, though funny, didn't mesh up at all with Frankie and Mike's - but I thought that Sue's story did a nice job of tangling itself in Mike's personal arch: that Frankie riles him up over any and everything.
Also: that Axl and Hutch like to watch Revenge was just hilarious to me.

They may have gone to Hawaii some time ago - but they sure have JUST gotten back from a trip to Vegas (the best episode in this season so far). Literally 2 episodes ago, and that makes it 2 trips in a row. His daughter is right: even if you can afford it, who does that? Don't these people have jobs? Don't some of them

But in "The Miller's daughter" episode, I thought the prince in question was not Leopold, but Henry, whom Cora actually marries (Regina's father). Wasn't that the final result of her "spinning straw into gold"? That she got to marry him? And that was a young man, if I recall correctly, nothing like Leopold. Besides,
