Robbie Goodwin

I like how this article has to have it both ways. Yeah, thanks for snarkily taking down some poor guy who was the subject of a meme that was essentially making fun of him in the first place. How DARE he have measured opinions and weird porn preferences my god what a monster!! If he didnt want us to publically shame

I wonder how many tea and crumpets the AV Club nibbled on as they got high off their own farts while writing this list. This is so damn pretentious.
Jesus christ does everything have to be an indie circle jerk here? This list is an insult to comedy, as most of these are romances or dramas with mild comedic elements

this article is such trash. Louis makes such a point to be even handed and nuanced and this site does exactly what he's talking about re: "outrage culture" by only printing the most inflammatory quotes out of context in an incredibly biased and snarky way. It's so confusingly written (in what I assume in an attempt to

this article is such trash. Louis makes such a point to be even handed and nuanced and this site does exactly what he's talking about re: "outrage culture" by only printing the most inflammatory quotes out of context in an incredibly biased and snarky way. It's so confusingly written (in what I assume in an attempt to

Except hasn't Woody Allen vehemently and publicly denied the allegations on many instances?

Reminder that Step Brothers is Rotten on Rotten Tomatoes

You are tripping so hard. Amazing special, so so so funny. Triumph vs. the PC kids was some of the best broad political satire of the '10s

Hmm, someone wants to get clicks. The episode was pretty average. Definitely not an F. I have a feeling the episode was graded in the reviewer's head before he even watched the show

GREAT pick on Goulet. One of the funniest things ever.

Albert Brooks and Bob Einstein (aka Funkhauser on Curb Your Enthusiasm) are criminally missing (and yes, that means Albert Brooks' real name is Albert Einstein)

Really funny show! I just watched a ton of Netflix and I feel like it doesn't get its due. Highly entertaining

yeah, it's a good mic but very hard to get up

There's still a lot of good men vs women comedy out there. Just because it's played (and probably not super well done by Iliza here) doesnt mean there's still not comedy to be mined from it. In fact, every great comedian I can think of has at least one amazing men vs women bit.

I love PTA but am I the only one who found that interview to be kinda boring? I'm not as big a fan of Linklater but he was far more engaging.

Broad City placement will inevitably get backlash, but this is a solid top ten. Sad that this was such a good year for comedies, but you guys are deviating from the norm by putting more than two in your top ten (all shows are deserving though) and not just giving us the hour long drama wankfest that every other

I actually thought the Simpsons/Family Guy crossover was really funny (and made me laugh way harder than the Simpsons/Futurama one), and I think a lot of fans did too. The car wash scene was bad, but otherwise what were the criticisms of the episode (besides "it has family guy in it")? I feel like this is a case of

look back on any four of their segments and let me know if they have a joke better than this one

Harmon is often super cringeworty on that podcast. He's good at creating "worlds" and engaging his fans, but most of his jokes bomb real hard and his theories range from half baked to uneducated (especially for a proclaimed "genius".)