
Canada has had a tactile feature (not Braille, as some think) on our bills for over 10 years, if I'm not mistaken:

It also makes a tasty meal. Apparently.

Oh, come now. There's hardly any cause for alarm.

Okay, bracing myself...

8/10, would laugh again.

Even Hitler thinks you're retarded.


No worries, and since Giz is the only Gawker site that hasn't gotten the kinja assrape yet, I'm sure it won't be long. When that comes, it's not gonna be good.

I just checked, and nothing besides the one you just posted. I didn't see anything from you earlier, either, so you must have caused someone some butthurt. Good job on the butthurt, because they deserve it, and fuck them for yanking it.


Good point, but that would imply that they collectively have some clear thinking process that would get past their hatefulness.

Perhaps you missed the whole "Kill that nigger" sentiment among a good chunk of American society over the past number of years? You might want to check the news more often.

Terrifying to normal people, but the entire Republican Party just simultaneously jizzed in its pants. Pic related.

Excellent. Would lol again.

Did Denton design this? Whoever did is severely deranged, and he came first to mind. "It's a Kinja flashlight! It's the wave of the future!", followed by a froth of spit-bubbles and a trickle of urine down his pantsleg.

I agree with everything you said, and you should post that on the main comment section, seriously. It's exactly right, and should be seen by the hoi polloi.

Old ValleyWag is old. It was around years ago, and was killed off for good reason. Nothing new here, citizen.

It's a resurrected Gawker shitpile that's supposed to mock tech news (i.e., the Valley part, as in 'Silicon'), and the vagina trigger is probably because of the famous porn site WagglyVag. *shifty eyes*

What the hell?