


Truth, with me included sometimes these days. I try to make do with brevity and wit (with frequent swats at illiterate, pink-garbed noobs), as we did with much warmth and jollity in the old days, but kinja just set me off, which I am not entirely proud of.

If I did, then I need to go stand in the corner, but I honestly don't think the part about "first published" was in there when I did my initial post, and Gawker Inc. were padding the numbers last fall, which I thought was pretty damn crooked. Cheers, regardless.

Good for him, and thank you, sincerely, for the response.

Fair enough for your first point. Regarding the second, o-kaaay, but is he alright at least? I genuinely like the lot of you, and he's been a fixture here for so long that his absence really stands out, to me, at least.

Fair enough, but in the past the original comments were also shown, and people could be expected to be a bit suspicious after last fall, where for a couple of months the page hits were artificially inflated for new articles (not just by Giz, by any means), as reflected in the Alexa rankings for that time. Thank you

I see that Gawker & Co. are padding the comment numbers again. So this post has 337 comments, and has had 135,102 views? Really?

Fascinatingly, I know a Jim LaCroix in rl who is also an smug, stuck-up asshole.

That's funny, although not in a factual or intelligent way.

I'm guessing these guys order a lot of pizza when the maid's not around.



Yes, bad to worse. Not content with having fucked the system up by 95%, they're going all-out for 99.9. As much as it grieves me, this is giving me the incentive to just quit coming to each site in turn as they roll out the bullshit. I waste too much of my time on Gawker sites anyway, so it's back to The Verge, etc.

Don't worry, when the next iteration of kinja is forced onto the other sites, they'll be completely obscured, as will everything else. See the new Jalopnik format, and weep:

I can haz spambot?