
That genuinely made me laugh. Congrats, 'tardbro. Enjoy your American life.

And the ship contract to Irving. Holy Jesus. I just can't even...

There is no mantra besides "keep your hands off the internet." Anon is a group of people, for sure, but one which is so decentralised that it can never be dismantled, and of which so many different aspects present themselves that any asshole (Sabu being uppermost in my mind here, being much more irrelevant than most

Fun fact: Lord Stanley only ever went to the States in the first place because 99% of the players on American teams at that time were Canadian. Suck on that for a bit, and be sure to let us know how it tastes. Although Americans generally aren't, Canadians tend to be a patient lot, so suck hard and take your time.

Loving it. Keep up the good work, sir/madam, and a well-deserved heart for you.

No need to apologise. Kinja's a cunt every night.

Awww, Americans. You guys are so retarded. You're like the illiterate, inbred cousins that no one in the Western world ever wanted, fucking your sisters or yer dawgs, whichever is handiest at the time.

Oh, man. I can't even imagine the ribbing that guy must have taken. Totally not his fault, but still... hoo boy.

Anon doesn't care about situations like this, nor should they, nor do they "always talk about protecting people from things like this." They have their own motivations, and galloping around the internet white-knighting for all and sundry isn't one of them. Some of them do certain things for their own reasons, but I

For your consideration.

Sincere question: Wtf are you talking about?

A normal person would, indeed, expect this.

It's the standard tag for the Stoner Channel. No need to be confused.

If they were in littoral range, yes. But when you sink it 100 miles out so that its destination is a mile down,then there is effectively nothing left. Chunks of metal don't float about in orbit, after all.

I read 'quartet' but I only saw duet.

I truly love this film, but I need to be up-front and honest: Seeing that many religious people together scares the shit out of me.

I was only referring to floating-dock-type things. Definitely if the material was hazardous, they should handle it more delicately, but for a giant floating dock? It just seems that a mile down in the Pacific 100 miles offshore would be a better home than on the shore, that's all.

Just noting all the hate here, and noting also that almost none of the people bitching offered up any suggestions, just complaints/whining. Folks, if you don't have anything to add to the discussion (both positive and negative are welcome), then kindly stfu. Please.