
Serious question. If they spotted the bloody thing, and they knew it was going to crash into land, and they were worried about it, then why didn't somebody use it for target practise out at sea? The fact that they just let it touch shore with whatever species attached to it just blows my mind.

I would say 'reliable knife' (I have a particular santoku, for example, that I'm rather partial to), but a friendly board. Grain upwards is always preferable, and it should have good cleanability as well as decent resistance, which wooden boards do but that plastic ones don't. As well, cellulose is more sanitary than

Lol. Oh, please, ancient one, tell us how it's done.

"I want to possess it utterly."

That was the go-to point for sure, but I figured I'd check into how OP would fare if his delusions were straight-up cockblocked. Not too well, I'm guessing. Cheers. :-)

Wow. Seriously, just... wow.

uTorrent. Easy-peasy.

If you mean the one announcing that he was banned, it's available.


It was a typo.

I have an idea. Take your illiterate, home-schooled ass and hit the road. Don't like it here? Tough shit. Move along to somewhere where your tender sensibilities won't be so easily bruised, and don't look back.

2 points for you:

*checks calendar* Well, it's still 2012, so...

Presuming that your screen indicates your gender, what if she were gay? Wat do? :-)

For some reason, seeing our little blue marble like that on Christmas morning makes me feel a bit fuzzy. Cheers, everyone.

I lol'd, and after I Googled him, I was glad to see that his story was not horrifying, and thank you for that. :-)

Lemmy is a treasure. :-)

Trick question, my friend, as you very well know. Lemmy is God. Cheers, and Happy Christmas to you and yours. :-)

Now playing

I'll see your rapper and raise you some Lemmy. There is no contest.