
I lol'd. Outstanding, and hopefully this won't be one of the reviews they're weeding out these days. Really excellent. :-)

Alas, if it were only my ear-hole he used to pull them out of...

*looks up top, sees 90 comments showing. looks down here, sees 4*

Just pointing out that the word they used, "uncertain", ≠ "probably won't".

Not quite fingertips, but hopefully this will suffice.

Ha ha ha. Cue the butthurt Appleheads. Oh, wait... too late. :-)

Hipster Santa needs a good boot in the stones, not least of reasons being for his egregious use of Vince Guaraldi.

Boom. Nice job, seriously.

Jesus Christ.

Hey, at least they don't look like something the kinja algorithm might come up with.

Thank you for that. Another common phrase in Chinese is, "The nail which sticks up gets hammered down".

"Male Peacocks Get Laid By Getting Laid"

That is possibly the shittiest gif I've ever seen. Great post, though.

I agree, gift cards, or cash, are the way to go, unless you know deeply what the person wants.

Nice job.

That may very well become my new wallpaper. Thank you, Annalee. Great post.

I chuckled pretty hard at that. Nice job. :-)

I join in your applause, good sir. As a Canadian, I am regularly boggled by the US, but things like this, in the southern States to boot, give me some hope. Mr. Jindal evidently leads a pretty good bunch overall.

I think I'm going with cross-stitch this season. There's a lot to choose from, and god bless 4chan. Only the 'ermagerd' meme did not originate there, and we owe them more than a little for their brilliance and humour.

Oh, man. It could be just tinnitus, but I think I'm hearing a very, very loud preemptive sucking sound. This just reeks of all kinds of bad.