
Apple fans, of course, just because they're easy targets. It doesn't even matter if you're one also. Denton gave us this troll's paradise, so we should make use of it until he changes his mind. And if that takes forever, then so be it. I'm just having a bit of fun right now, partly to spit in the face of the fact that

Well, you're already at Starbucks, so...

Shh. I'm on your side, and just playing. It's going well, so don't ruin it. Denton has never been so happy at the clicks. It was his idea to "elevate the discussion", after all. :-)

Christ. The Applefags will be lined up around the block for this.

+ one fucking thousand for the UFO reference. Damn, I loved that show.

". . . and they have the vegetables to prove it."

That Japan is responsible for egregious overfishing is common knowledge; so what's the Mitsubishi connection? Please tell me that you're not just lumping in all Japanese corporations and people together, because that would be a display of astounding ignorance.

So, basically a print version of the main Gawker site, then.

Holy fuck. Go back to Jezebel.

Of all the French stereotypes out there, this is beyond doubt the most pathetically ignorant. Kindly read the first entry here, and follow the links:

Lighten up, François. Your butthurt suggestion of French-bashing is a bit of a stretch. Also, kindly remember that this is a blog, not the New York Times or Le Monde. Get the stick out of your ass.

Just pointing out that you guys are claiming 24 comments at the moment, when that is clearly bullshit. Kindly explain.

Bloody hell. The worst trolling ever, and still people bite. Just unreal. Not bad tunes, though.

Agreed. One pleasure, one pain, with an ample sprinkling of wtf for each of them.

I sincerely hope so. The lulz will be magnificent, and will be worthy of their own tumblr.