Submitted without comment. *shifty eyes*
Submitted without comment. *shifty eyes*
Cheers, and I get the sarcasm, but way too many Americans don't know the difference between the two words. It's quite mind-boggling, really.
Here's a tip: Arrange for Denton to be prison-gang-raped by the biggest gang in the prison for this fucking abortion of a comment system. And throw AJ to them, too (not that he wouldn't probably enjoy it, considering his affinity for cock), both for his assholishness since he blew his way to the job as EIC as well as…
Thank you for that. Nice job.
Truly love that song (and the whole album), but pro-tip: It's spelt "lightning", not "lightening". I realise that you're American, but us English-speaking foreign folk feel sorry for you, and so we try to help out. Cheers. :-)
I'm thinking that if such a thing ever came to pass, then the parties should be quite far apart, because I can see the result of smug Apple twats after a couple of gin and tonics (brief note: I like gin and tonics) roaming over to condescendingly sneer at the other parties, and then getting the living shit kicked out…
The lowest end of the Canadian bell curve, ladies and gentlemen. Look at him. Look at him and laugh.
Nailed it. Beautifully done.
True dat. At least we can thank Denton for turning this place into a far more shitty version of 4chan.
Try it.
First day on the internet? No worries.
Christ. Go back to Jezebel, and pick up a geography book along the way.
Have you considered rehab?
How 'bout no one gives a fuck, Joe. Carry on with your Denton bag-licking, though.
Or it's entirely possible that the mother was some slut who wanted some black dick and got caught up in it. It may be just me, but I see that as entirely the more likely scenario.
Blind, mindless rage, as is normal. Their PC bullshit is remarkable, except when it comes to their astounding hypocrisy.
Because his 'just-before-death, I-don't-believe-in-medicine' cancer eyes weren't as hot? I dunno, just speculating. I personally would like that shot, though, just so I could save it and laugh.
Agreed , or maybe some other dude besides the husband fucked the mother. That's statistically a lot more likely.
How odd. I've heard of white women in the US who like a bit of black dick and don't have enough brains to use contraception. Very strange.
You botched at "Shamela", but thanks for coming out.